14:31 | July 1, 2014
Nu har vi sammanställt alla våra röster och vinnarna blev Johanna & Robin – som ni kan se ovan!
STORT GRATTIS! Vi kommer kontakts er så ni kan ta emot era priser.
Tack till alla som ställde upp samt finalisterna!
We have counted all the votes and we have two winners – Johanna & Robin that you can fin above here!
BIG CONGRATZ! We are gonna contact you so you can get your rewards.
A big thank you to all that contributed and to the finalists!
Helt sjukt att jag vann! Tusen tack alla som röstade, är så sjukt glad! :D
Congrats to them!
Grattis till dom :D. Ser riktigt fint ut ;P hihi.
do you know what i think is kind of sad. before i start i do understand completely that you CANT answer us all…you are busy and it is completely fine that you wont answer us all…but i have visited almost every hour in the last 2days your blog to check if you have answered me…and now i saw there where new comments under the post and that you have answered some but not me only the ones who wrote stupid/unnecessary things. i want this sweater soo soo soo soo bad and would have been soo happy if you could have helped me where to find it. and it would have been totally ok if you not answer me. but if you take the time to answer them who dont appreciate your blog or who are rude to you why dont you take the time to answer the ones who really love your blog? you dont have to answer this ;) and it is not meant to be rude. i just ask myself why you rather answer people who are not nice to you instead of them who really like you and ask for help :) hugs.
Hi there! I always try my best to answer questions when my readers ask me stuff – I promise that Im doing my best! At the moment ( up until now ) I’ve had so, soooo much stuff that I haven’t been able to answer the questions here on my blog the way that I want to. And Im really sorry for that – I hope that you and all of my other readers know how much they mean to me and that I love them a lot. And I hope that you know that you are important to me! I usually never answer bad comments – but in this case it was a comment coming back a few times, so I just felt that I had to answer when something is wrong.
In your case, I didn’t see your comment before you told me about ( just because we have had so much to do at Bråvalla – we have been working on a big project there ).
Regarding your question about the top: I couldn’t find it either but I know that it’s on sale right now! I hope you can find it! LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU XX you are important .
Åh precis de två jag röstade på! Gillar deras outfits sjukt mycket. :)
asså ANGELICA!!! jag letade efter dig överallt och när jag väl såg dig så var du typ 20 meter bort och jag hann inte springa fram förrän jag snubblade i lera och började gråta så aa… hoppas du har det bra haha!! <3
Tummen upp !!!
Mina favoriter! Grattis till dom :D
Sååååå glad