09:53 | October 6, 2015

_Bag from Zara_Coat from Zara_
_Top from Zara_Trousers from Topshop_Shoes from Asos, HERE_
My look from day 1 here in Cracow. Took photos of this look with Fang the other day with another bag, but we had such a rush so the pictures didn’t turn out that good. But the background of this look is way better in these pictures anyway :) yey! Gotta love my new coat from Zara!
Speaking of rather bigger and more important stuff – today is the day when we’re going to visit Auschwitz .. I’m a bit nervous but also I have such big anger inside of me that the world let this happen. Or not the world, but the people on this planet.
We’ll be there all day so I’ve timed post for you guys all day.
Min look från dag 1 här i Krakow. Tog bilder på den här looken med Fang häromdagen men vi hade det så stressigt så bilderna blev inte 100. Så jag fotade om de här ist! Med en finare bakgrund med :) yey! Älskar min nya kappa från Zara!
Så, på tal om större och mer viktiga saker – idag är dagen då vi ska besöka Auschwitz.. är nervös men känner stor ledsamhet och aggression inombords att världen lät något sånt hända. Eller inte världen, utan människorna som levde/lever på denna planet.
Vi ska vara där hela dagen så har tidsinställt inlägg.
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You look elegant and very beautiful in your look you wore in Cracow!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Stunning. Love love the all nude palette. So beautiful.
xox Taylor | http://www.mycupofchic.com
I love this bag! The Outfit is really stunning! And Auschwitz will be a big and interesting experience. I already visited Dachau with school. Well, I’m german and it’s a real real real big shame what happend in this terrible era. In germany they tell us every year in history class what happend exactly in this time. But until you haven’t visited a concentration camp you can’t imagine the widness of the heinousness from this epoch. We just can take the doings of the Nazis as a teaching and never let happen something like this ever again.
Puss Elena
Love this nude outfit! The coat and the slip ons are amazing!
What a great look! I would wear it exactly the same way. Love the colors, and the bag is a dream!
xx Alex
In love with that coat, I really like how you wear nude palette, especally shades of camel.
Älskar outfiten, färgerna och bakgrunden är perfektion!
Your great outfit post made me miss Kraków sooooo much!!! Beautiful city!
Love this combination! And your pants are so pretty!
XX Nora / 1310bynora.com
Så galet snygg!! Älskar outfiten och så vackra bilder ♡
Hei. Jeg lurte på hvordan jakken er i stoffet :)? Er den varm eller blir det kaldt å bruke den i vinter? Håper på svar da jeg tenker bestille denne.
Sylvia :)
I absolutely love this clean grey and white outfit!
Christine | http://www.vogueuplikethis.com
Love the colors !
Such an amazing look :)
Love, L
Restaurang-tips i Krakow!
Gå till veganstället Nova Krova (bästa rödbetssoppan (borstj) någonsin!)
eller till Skate Burgers för riktigt bra burgare!
Båda ställena ligger i jewish quartier (liksom alla andra bra restauranger)
Ha det så bra!
Riktigt snyggt tjejen! Kram
Leave it to Zara to bring forth the perfect fall coat!
Auschwitz is very impressive and so touching. Everybody I know who visited this horrible place left it with tears in their eyes.It’s almost unbelievable how these inhuman things could happen.
As for your outfit,it’s super nice,especially because of the coat.I got myself a very similar one at mango the other day and it’s almost the same color as yours :)
You’re such a goddess, Angelica! These photos and that location are just stunning.
I must say, I’ve always wanted to go to Auschwitz. I think it’s so important to pay our respects and remember how truly devastating it is that something like that can happen. I look forward to reading about your experience in such a powerful, yet sad, place.
Kiara x
| Instagram | Bloglovin’ 
lika snygg som alltid! verkar vara en ball stad med :)
Älskar färgerna!!!
Loove this all over nude look! Perfect combo!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
Berätta hur det var sen! Vill så gärna åka dit men vet fortfarande inte om jag skulle palla med att se allt. Fruktansvärt sjukt och näst intill orealistiskt att det faktiskt hänt…
You are amazing!
Så snygg kappa! Hittar den dock inte på hemsidan.. vad heter modellen? ?
Åh vad vackert!
You know how to rock a nude pallet. Loving the kicks.