12:23 | June 17, 2013
Wifi error
Hej fina ni!
Just nu funkar inte wifi:t som de ska så jag kommer inte in på internet via min dator – utan konstigt nog bara via min telefon.
Vi kom till en liten stad som eter Williams igår som vi nu “mellanlandat” vid. Vi skulle sett Grand Canyon igår, men efter att GPSen visat oss fel så hann de bli mörkt så vi ska åka dit nu vid soluppgången istället. Klockan är 03:20 nu och vi ska snart bege oss :) det kommer bli mäktigt! När vi är tillbaka igen hit på hotellet så ska jag prata med dom i receptionen och se om dom kan hjälpa oss med wifi:t!
Men jag ville bara ge er en snabb uppis om vad som sker. LOVE
Hello sweets!
The wifi here is not working as it should so I can’t go online on my computer – but wierdly, only on my iPhone!
Last night we got to a small town called Williams but we drove a bit wrong so it was dark before we got the Grand Canyon, so we are going there now and see the sunrise. The time is 03:20 now!
I will talk to the Hotel when I get back to see if they can fix the wifi problem. I just wanted you to know the situation! LOVE
hello Angelica, I didn’t know your blog until someone said that Kenza Zouiten was copying you. I never put comments on blogs but this is how I discovered you. And since that moment I always come on your blog to get some outfits ideas.
So I just wanted to let you know that I love you and your style. You’re such an inspirationnal lady, and I want to thank you for that. You always put amazing photos with high quality and its amazing to see them all the time. Besides, I love how your style has evolved and how you have evolved through years now. You’re an amazing woman, so keep your head up and work as hard as you usually do !
Lots of Love from an Algerian fan ! <3
låter som du har den underbart i alla fall :D