12:27 | July 17, 2013
Golden Gate Bridge
Photo: Emma Svensson
Äntligen framme! Vi kom hit sent igår efter att ha fått bta flyg 3 gånger, haha..
Så vi sov ut lite och har precs käkat frukost på altanen :)
Alldeles straxt så ska vi promenera ner till stranden och lapa sol hela dagen! SOM JAG LÄNGTAT! Tar med kameran såklart.
Vad roligt förresten att jag fått mail/kommentarer från läsare som bor i Portugal :)
Vi bor i Setúbal som ligger ca 30 min ifrån Lisabon – Så vi kommer hänga en hel del där.
Nu måste jag skynda mig! hörs sen :)
PS. Jag kommer dra vinnarna till ASOS tävlingen någon gång under veckan vi är här.
Finally here! We arrived here late yesterday after changing flights 3 times, haha ..
So we slept a little now and have just eaten breakfast on the patio :)
Just shortly and we’ll walk down to the beach and soak up the sun all day! AS I craved! I’m taking my camera with me of course.
How fun by the way that I received mail / comments from readers who live in Portugal :)
We live in Setúbal, located about 30 minutes from Lisbon – So we will hang a lot there.
Now I have to hurry! talk toyou later :)
PS. I will draw the winners at ASOS contest sometime during the week we are here.
Fina bilder. Hälsningar från Italien!
Marvelous black and white shots. Enjoy your stay!!!
xx Mira
Elisa from My Fantabulous World
Galet snygga bilder!!
Underbara bilder!
undebar <3
Stunning pictures! You really have the blog best pictures♥
Snälla snälla snälla låt mig bli en av lyckliga vinnaren snälla snälla snälla vill så myckeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttt snälla snälla snälla
Snygging! Vill ocksååååå ta så fina bilder! Vill hemskt gärna vinna tävlingen, hoppas du gillar min outfit som jag beskrivit :* <3 Kram
Fantastiska bilder!
Vart är jackan ifrån? :)
Ahaha today walking around lisbon I was wondering if I would run into you randomly!!! You should come to Lisbon to visit and get to know the city too!! Setubal is awesome and I’m sure you’ll love the beaches of troia!! I actually live very close to setubal (20min) but I spend most of my time in Lisbon too, since I studied there and has the best spots to go out and have fun!! Hope you enjoy your stay in portugal angelica!! And the weather is lovely these days!
Snygga bilder!
Så himla fina bilder.
Lisbon is fantastic!
But you have to visit the city of Porto, is beautiful.
Have a great stay for here. Angelica.
älskar dem här bilderna otroligt mycket!!
beyond beautiful! in awe of your work n eye for fashion! keep up the fab work! Heart of Chic
Make sure to stop by these places:
If you like to eat some italian food by the river (Tejo) – Casanova
If you like to have a drink in a quircky eclectic place – Casa Independente (make sure to take a picture by the tiger wall)
If you like to dance – Lux (and it is like 500 m from Casanova)
If you like the oldies (80’s) – Plateu
If like a flea market – Saturday – “Feira da Ladra”
Enjoy and keep on postin!
Så jävla snygga bilder ja dör!
Setubal??? Angelica, come to Lisbon, seriously…The only thing Setubal has to offer are the beaches (go to Troia and Arrábida). Lisbon is amazing, everything is here! There’s nothing do to in Setubal besides going to the beach, the night is awful…
Answer: Yes, it’s very, very calm here.. I know. And yes, we are goingto go to Lisabon alot :) I promise. Why we are in Setubal is because we are renting an apartment here from a friend that my boyfriend knows and thats all. But we eill go to Lisabon alot of times this week :) Hugs
Jättefina bilder :-)
Sjukt snygga bilder! Fascinerad av att du alltid verkar ha grymma fotografer med dig överallt? Tycker snygga bilder är så viktigt i en blogg så själv försöker jag tvinga killen min men han är ju inte ALLTID med mig liksom!
Åh vilka underbara bilder! :)
Så sjukt snygga bilder..! Och jag älskar din outfit <3 Var hittade du den galet snygga jackan?
You probably have more readers from Portugal than you know. I’m one of them :), but I’m not sure if I ever posted any comment.
Since I live in Porto, I don’t think I have any chances of running into you, which is a pity because you’re my favourite fashion blogger, but I hope you enjoy my sunny, welcoming country and have lots of fun.
Du er så utrolig fin Angelica! Hilsninger fra Norge!
Det er en ting jeg har lurt lenge på, hvordan setter du opp håret ditt sånn? Det er så utrolig fint, men samtidig avslappet!
Så himla snyggt!
AMAZING. This outfit is so cool!
I am from Portugal, enjoy it. It’s fantastic, Lisbon is the most incredible city in the world, you can find there something very old and something completely new at the same street