20:58 | May 18, 2014
Sitter just nu på flyget till USA när detta publiceras! Skrev de när jag satt i Amsterdam och inväntade mitt flyg. Håll tummarna för att allt går som de ska!
Jag vill bara skriva och berätta hur tacksam jag är. För allt.
Tacksam för allt jag får vara med om genom min blogg, tacksam för mina fina läsare, tacksam över att ha sånna fantastisk vänner och familj, tacksam över livet.
Jag kan ibland komma på mig själv att jag sitter och nästan får tårar i ögonen över allt.
När jag mår dåligt, har en kämpig period eller går igenom något förjävligt så tänker jag alltid på dessa saker – och det får mig alltid att må mycket bättre.
Så ja, jag är sjukt jävla tacksam <3
Stor kram på er och massor kärlek!
Right now I’m on the flight to the U.S. when this is published! I wrote it when I was in Amsterdam and waited for my flight. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes as expected!
I just wanted to write and tell you how grateful I am. For everything.
Grateful for everything I get to experience through my blog, grateful for my lovely readers, grateful to have these kinds of amazing friends and family, grateful for life.
I sometimes think of that and almost get tears in my eyes.
When I feel bad, have a tough time or going through something hard, I always think of these things – and it always makes me feel much better.
So yes, I’m fucking grateful <3
Big hug to you and lots of love!
…this makes you to the most beautiful woman i know…you are so humble and dont take it for granted…i think this one of the most importend things when it comes to inner beauty, i love you for beeing so down to earth, i love you for realising the that the most important things arent material and that you are lucky to travel so much and have wonderful friends/familie. i love you for that. you are beautiful.
OO, have a nice trip. xa
I love what you wrote, so beautiful!
Som läsare ger detta inlägg mig ett sånt stort leende på läpparna. Att man känner sig uppskattad för att man varje dag, i flera års tid går in och försöker ge positiv energi genom ens kommentarer. Du verkar vara en så otroligt jordnära och underbart gullig tjej och jag hoppas att du njuter lite för mig också, speciellt nu under din USA resa ;)
Have a great trip!
What a sweet post!
A lot of love from France!
You must have so many things to be thankful for, Angelica! Love your blog, keep up the good work <3
I'm a med student by day and a fashion blogger by night.
New post featuring my makeup favorites on my blog Arctic Vanilla!
you are so sweet! :*
GIVEAWAY on my blog! http://landing-in-fashion.blogspot.com/
You are such a beautiful person, inside and out <3
Åh vad kul!
You are so beautiful;)
Vacker bild :)<3
Thats so sweet x
lots of love and best wishes your way! xxx
So nice to read :* We love U too. Have a beautiful trip with lot of fun.
Ha så kul! :-) Ser fram emot bilder.
http://Cutelittlethings.se – Ung mamma & Entreprenör
Im here with you more than 4 years. And you are still you…. I love that you share with us your life, you love, your passion. I always love to read your words under pictures, because you are very honest.
Please be still open to us and don’t let fashion world to change you as many “professional” bloggers. They are just brand for another brand. Their blog lost personality… If i want to see new clothes on models and do some shopping, Im going to visit some e-shops not blogs.
I love you so much Angelica, you are amazing woman,
PS: sorry for my english:)
Such a lovely words.. have fun in the US!
Lovely to see that you are an honest grateful blogger with a great personality! have fun on your holiday!
Du er en utrolig flink, ambisiøs og målrettet person, og fortjener all ære du kan få! Du burde virkelig være stolt av deg selv og alt du har fått til <3 klemmer fra Norge!
Thank to YOU Angelica, for inspire me so much !
You’re my model, and I admire you so bad.
I follow you since a long time ago, and I’m so proou of what you became.
Stay as you are, just perfect !
With love, from France
Have fun, and good trip <3
Vi läsare älskar dig också!! Ha det så bra i USA!!
I love you being so humble, and not taking things for granted, definitely spots the difference from other bloggers! You have success, but attitude down to earth! My favorite blog, for sure !
Puss och Kram
I have been following you for over 5 years I think and you are AMAZING!
Thank you for sharing with us x
STORA kramar till dig Angelica, du gör ett kanonjobb!!!