13:16 | March 15, 2015

/Sweater from Misbhv/Sneakers from NIKE/Jacket from Beyond Retro/Bag from Asos/
Vilken kväll igår! Jag, Julian och Ingrid gick ut och åt på SUPPER och sen var det håll i gång hela natten. Är så fucked up sliten idag att jag bara vill sova bort hela dagen! Men nope, jag har massa att stå i. Jag & André ska slänga skräp och försöka få iordning här.
Ja, på tal om det.. det är en sak jag inte berättat för er. Jag och André har flyttat ihop! Det känns magiskt och vi kommer få det jättefint här när våra möbler kommer :)
Nu ska jag vila lite – hörs om ett litet tag!
/ What a night! Me, Julian and Ingrid had dinner at SUPPER and after that we went out dancing. Im so fucked up today and I just wanna sleep! But I have so much to do, so I can’t. Me & André need to throw away some junk from home and also try to get things done. Well, speking of that.. there is something I haven’t told you yet. Me and André have moved in together! Im so happy about that and it’s gonna look so nice at home when we get all the furniture :) Now Im gonna rest – talk to you in a while!
Älskar håret!! Kan du inte göra en tutorial? Så snyggt!!
åh vilken snygg ryggsäck, gillar den skarpt!
Amazing outfit!
Love the curls! x http://www.justsavxnnah.com
Stunning photos! Your expression is killing it :D
Love, Maria
Wow, stunning photos!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
Så snygg!!
this is seriously the best hairstyle for you!! i loved it when you had it before (it must be almost a year ago no?!) and i love it now. i said it back then and i still think so!! haha, i looove you with this hair!!!! do you make it yourself???
and did he moved in your apartment which you rent from this girl you told us about or did you move to him? or did you 2 moved to a completely new one? questions questions questions hahah i am such a curious person :D
<3 <3
Great look!
so happy for you :*
HUR har du gjort dina lockar? Snälla berätta, jag vill också!!
Cool outfit! Your hair looks amazing!
Grattis till dig och André! Så kul! Lockarna var väldigt fina :)
Såå snygg! alltså håret!!! Tutorial skulle uppskattas :)
Your hair looks really incredible here, like Samantha said! ;-) Dope sweater! Looking cool, Angelica! There might be some issues at the start of living together but I’m sure you, guys, gonna make it!!!
which model of shoes is this ?
amazin hair :)
I like the curly hair to change things up a bit!
I really Love your look!! you look so beautiful. I love your curls, can you explain us how do you do them?? I will be so thankful if you explain us :) I tried to do them but I can’t :(
You hair looks gorgeous this way! Love it! And the outfit is really great too!
I love the hair here and the style as well!
You are the best girl!! Looking hot
Cool – I love your curls! (:
Ditr hår är jättefint såhär !! snälla berätta hur gör du ??
Your hair is fabulous! Really need to learn how to do this x