11:10 | November 30, 2015

_Knit from Gina Tricot_Bag from YSL_
_Shoes from Miss Guided, sold out similar HERE_
Beige, beige and beige! Love this kombo :)
I’m sitting in bed trying to get some work done here before it’s tie for me
to meet up with Fang to take some outfit photos for you so I can stay in bed the
next upcoming three days. I’m so scared doing the operation with my wisdom tooth today ..
I might start crying or faint. Maybe. Just saying.
But Maja are coming with me to hold my hand! She has done this like two-three times
also so she knows how it feel.
Beige, beige och beige! Älskar kombon :)
Sitter i sängen och försöker få lite jobb gjort innan de är dags för mig att möta upp Fang
och fota lite looks. Måste föbereda för mina typ 3 dagar hemma i sängen efter
operationen med min vidsomstand. Är fakking rädd alltså! Kanske spyr eller svimmar.
Säger bara de.
Men Maja ska följa med mig och hålla min hand och hon har ju själv
dragit ut sina visdomständer så hon vet ju hur det känns liksom.
Love the knitdress! The colour is great and it looks so comfy and warm!
I cross all my fingers for your operation.. But it really isn’t thaaat bad.. sure, there are nicer things, but you actually almost don’t feel anything. The worst thing about that Operation was for me the sound when the denstist cracked my teeth to get them out of my mouth.. So just here a little bit of music and everything will get fine! :)
Puss and good luck!
Oh wow!! What an amazing outfit! The colors are perfect!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
Such a pretty look! Love the knit!
Xx Annora / 1310bynora.com
I love your look, those boots are amazing !!
Så snyggt!
I just posted the exact similar shoes, love them so much!! <3
With love,
Christine | http://www.vogueuplikethis.com
Super snygg outfit :D Gillar att den var så enkel.
Love the sweater dress with those shoes! Stunning!
You are killing me right now…I cannot describe how much I adore this look, these shoes!!! these photos. You the star, Angelica!
And good luck with that wisdow tooth!
Kisses, Nicol
Good luck with your operation – I am loving this outfit SO much! You look incredible!
Shot From The Street
wow these photographs are incredible! And I love this awesome outfit, love the comfy sweater and those boots are amazing!
Lunjasky bloglovin
oh my gosh! I love your outfit so damn much <3 it's just perfect!
I love the overknees and beige is one of my fav colors :)
have a nice day!
Julia from http://www.yumilia.com/
så snygga, men verkar lite jobbiga att få på :P haha
Very cool outfit. <3
Dear Angelica, I’m a faithful fan since you started blogging. And today is the day I just wanted to tell you something that has crossed my mind since many months. I really miss the the old Angelica. The girl who had an individual style and inspired me in every post. Now I can only see just another blogger with the same style like everyone else and the worse thing is that most of the time you are traveling to sunny places and propagate a lifestyle which an average girl just can’t afford. Please don’t think that it’s envy which speaks out of me. No it’s not. I really grant you this success. You worked hard for this and I appreciate it. The thing is I miss the inspiration. Most of all in winter. You always wear short skirts and tops because you’re always on some vacation in exotic places. I life and study in the cold old Germany which means that your latest outfit posts don’t really fit into my life anymore. I know my criticism will change nothing. But I just wanted to say that I miss the variety which you had in your style couple of years ago. The only reason why I daily check your blog is probably the habit and hope to find something new…but I guess my search is pointless… I wish you good luck and say good-by after five years.
Amazing post. :)
Älskar bilderna!!!
Cute outfit!
Your weekly inspiration and motivation on http://www.letucc.com
Hej Angelica! Skorna finns på ASOS också. :)
I had two operations to take all of my wisdom tooths out. Since they were too close to the nerves the “normal way” wasnt an option. First time they took the ones on the left side and second time the ones on the right side and for me it wasnt a big deal. I mean I was a bit scared but it didnt hurt at all and also the next few days afterwards were okay with the painkiller. So you really dont have to be scared too much :-) You will be fine my dear!
Very nice outfit & photos!
I love this post, the subdued colors are so lovely ! That sweater dress is amazing and looks even better with those boots <3 Inspiration for sure !
Jag var verkligen LIVRÄDD inför att operera ut mina visdomständer! Men, så fort de körde igång slappnade jag av då det inte alls var så hemskt som jag föreställt mig. Ett tips är att ha hörlurar i under operationen då det kan låta en del. Håll någon i handen. Sen får du anledning att äta mängder av din favoritglass i några dagar :) Det kommer gå jättebra!
Love this knit !!! <3