09:49 | May 13, 2016

GOOODMORNING! How are you? I can’t believe that the weather is still awesome. It makes me so happy! Well well, here is a look that I wore the other day – a really chill one. But I’ve promised you to show you even the chill or the “boring” ones too. I managed to get a hold of some of Beyonces Ivy Park clothes when I was in LA and I’m so happy about that. I don’t think they sell ’em here in Sweden. Does anyone know if they do? Hollah at me if you know. Wearing my new sneakers too. I promised myself NOT to buy anymore sneakers but then I saw these and I just had to haha..
GOOOOOD MOOOORGOOON! Hur mår ni? Kan inte fatta att vädret är såhär magiskt. Gör mig så glad! Men men, här är en look jag bar förra veckan – en slapp en. Men jag har ju lovat er att visa er även de slappa och de “tråkiga” looksen med. Lyckades norpa åt mig lite av Beyonces Ivy Park plagg när vi var i LA och de är jag glad för. Vet inte om de säljs här i Sverige… tror inte de. Vet någon av er om de gör de? Hollah at me om ni vet. Hade på mig mina nya sneakers med. Lovade mig själv att inte köpa mer sneakers men sen såg jag dessa och då var jag bara tvungen haha…
Love this cute look!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Thanks <3
A parfait scenery background to go with a cute sporty outfit to complete the look. Simply beautiful! :)
La Bijoux Bella | by mia
thank you <3 love
Love this sporty look! Great outfit and the shoes are amazing!
xx Alex
thank you so much!! xx
Oh that look is just so absolutely you! <3 And I am so in love with the sneakers, haha I definitely understand why you fell in love with them! So dope!
Puss from Germany
Haha, thanks babe <3 it was soooo comfy! Yes, the sneakers are the best! I just had to have them :) puss
MEN HUR BRA SKOR????? jag dör!!
JAG VET!!! älskar dom!!
I’m loving the weather here in London too! I think you can buy Ivy Park online at Topshop, no? x
Yes, it’s awesome :) Oh okey! thanks. xx
Haha. The real woman. The more shoes the better. I like you very much.
Hahah!! Yes, that’s true haha. <3
Förutom på Topshop så ska det finnas online på bland annat Nordstrom och Zalando.
Ja okej :) fett! Topshop finns inte i sthlm längre dock…
this outfit is pure coolness!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Thanks babe <3
åh din hy på dessa bilder. Värsta glowet ju! dela med dig tricket va? ;)
Åh tack!! Jag älskar min highlighter :) de kommer från mac!
Do you recommend Beyonce’s new clothing line? How’s the quality?
I haven’t used it that much yet, but I think the quality is nice :) that I’ve noticed the few times I’ve worn the pieces :)
Hey, great look. I love this sporty look. And the sneakers are really great!
I think Ivy Park collection is also sold on TopShop. At least they have some items there.
Thanks! Yes, I looove my sneakers :) oh okey, then I know – thanks! xx
You can buy Ivy Park at Zalando.dk :)
Oh okey :) cool!
Love the IVY Park collection and your outfit is pretty cool!
Melissa from http://roseoffashion.de
Love the look! Can you please tell me the name of the adidas shoes? I would love to buy them <3 thanks!
– M