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  • 10:10 | November 16, 2017


    Kamoo – sweetest dog ever. Liked to be scratched under his neck. He have been hit by a car and have problems
    walking on his back legs.


    Seven – Giving this little super cute fellah a bath! Seven hasn’t got the right muscles in his throat to keep
    the food he eats. So when giving him food you need to hold his front paws in the lap to keep the food in the stomach. Cutest dog ever with the
    kindest eyes you’ll ever see!! He was found outside of 7/11 and that’s why his name is Seven


    Puppy – Can’t remember the name of this little fellah! He is at the shelter running around with his brothers
    and sisters! Such a player haha!

    1.Coconut – The kindest, cuddliest sweetheart ever. He loves to just cuddle and relax. He is atm feeling good and are up walking on his
    paws. Such a sweetheart!
    2.S̄wyngām ” Suay” – This is my little love. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. She is very shy at first but then she loves to cuddle. 
    She has lost her fur on many places after being allergic to chicken and eating it anyway on the streets because lack of food. she is slowly getting
    her fur back now and she is just the cutest ever. 


    Lemmy – Lemmy passed away just two days ago :( I’ve been so sad and cried several times. Lemmy’s back legs weren’t functioning after being hit by a car and left to die on the street. RIP beautiful soul.


    Nala – Nala is just the most beautiful little creature. She has distemper in her brain which makes her “shake” and not being able
    to walk or stand normal. She can walk/stand but are always loosing balance. We hope she will recover for the disease so she can be up an running soon!


    Kamoo – Kamoo again! Here he is with his “wheelchair” that helps him walk.
    This is something they need more of – “wheelchairs”. T
    hey make it possible for more dogs to be able to walk when their legs arent’ functioning as good as they should.
    He was so happy here!


    Coconut – last but not least, Coconut again! coziest dog ever!



    I just wanted to show you some of the snpshots I took of some of the dogs at the foster care. The cutest, most adorable dogs I’ve ever met ( including those who aren’t in the pictures ofc ). The foster care are where the sick, rescued dogs are and the shelter is where the healthy, rescued dogs are. We always started our mornings with working at the foster care until lunch followed by working at the shelter until 5 pm. All the dogs are just.. they are the kindest! Some of you have asked me about adoption and yes, all the dogs are for adoption ( Please tell everyone! These lovley creatures all need a warm and loving home) – they just need to be healty and strong enough before being adopted ♡ I fell in love with so many dogs Would you like to so more pictures of these wonderful dogs and others? Xx

    PS. You can donate charity for this organisation HERE. Please do!


    Jag ville bara visa er lite bilder på några av de fina vovvarna från fosterhemmet. De finaste, mest underbara vovvarna jag träffat ( inkluderat dom som ej är med på bilderna såklart ). I fosterhemmet är de sjuka, räddade vovvarna och i sheltret är de friska, räddade vovvarna. Vi började varje morgon med att jobba på fosterhemmet fram tills lunch innan vi fortsatte på sheltret till 17.00. Alla hudnarna är bara såå.. fina! Vissa av er har frågat kring adoption och ja, alla hundar finns till adoption ( Sprid gärna ordet – alla dessa fantastiska vovvar behöver ett kärleksfullt och varmt hem!) – de behöver bara vara friska och starka nog innan♡ Jag blev kär i allihop! Vill ni se mer bilder på vovvarna ? Xx

    PS. Man kan donera en slant till orginisationen HÄR.
    Eller swisha valfri summa till 1235871066 . Snälla gör de!

    13 kommentarer

    13 kommentarer om “THE BELOVED DOGS”

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    Jag accepterar villkoren som finns här

    • Wow angelica, I am speechless for the heartwarming work you do for those dogs in need. I wish I could do the same personally. I obviously donate to help those beautiful souls to get the treatment they deserve. Thank you for what you do. This post really touched my heart and brought tears in my eyes. I love any kind of animals. I hope one day this world will understand the worth of all animals cause they are the best creatures on our planet. They love you no matter who you are. So proud of you. Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! And yes – I also hope that everyone one day understands that every life is just as important. Animals ARE THE BEST! Thank you so much for donating – this means the world to me, the dogs and to Michael who runs the orginasation <3<3<3 You are a kind person!!! Thank you too <3<3<3

    • I love dogs!! soo cute

    • Me too, they are the best <3

    • Thank you for sharing these pictures with us
      You are amazing for doing this
      I hope the dogs will awalys be safe

      We love you Angie <3 <3

    • Thank you <3 many more people should do it! it's so important <3 I hope so too! thank you, and I love all of you <3

    • Beautiful post. I love animals so much so It’s really sad that these cute dogs don’t have homes and lived on the street. Poor little things what they have to been throught :(

    • Thank you <3 Yes I know.. It's horrible to see what humans do to animals. So awful! I'm happy that they are in Michael's care now tho. <3

    • Mitt hjärta blöder och tårarna rinner när jag ser dessa bilder! Så fint att någon tar hand om dem. Det är mitt drömyrke – att få rädda djur. Jag förstår att du grät massor när Lemmy gick bort :( Det måste vara ett enormt känslosvall att vara där. Upp och ner, upp och ner hela tiden liksom. Så fint av dig att vara där och framför allt blogga om det då det når ut till så många människor. Jag swishade precis en gåva till dem. Skrev först “Det finns en plats reserverad i himlen för dig” men ändrade sedan då det kanske lät lite otäckt nästan hahaha.. men ah, du förstår hur jag menar… Swishnumret finns längst ner här:

      Stor kram till dig!

    • <3<3 Jag har gråtit så mycket. I duschen, på dagarna, om nätterna . Ja överallt. Vad fint av dig att de är ditt drömyrke! Det borde du satsa på!! Vi behöver fler som du! Ja, känslorna gick upp och ner hela tiden. Under tiden jag var där försökte jag vara fokuserad och göra mitt jobb, gosa med vovvarna osv. Det är nog mest nu i efterhand som ångesten, sorgen och den jobbiga biten som kommit. Tack för att du swishade <3<3!! Alla slantar betyder - stora som små!! Ja, bra - pengarna går ju inte bara till de väldigt sjuka hundarna utan sprids ut över alla hundar - sjuka som friska. Stor kram och tack!

    • OMG, there are so many touching stories. I cried while reading this. You are a wonderful person, Angelica <3

    • Yes, and so many more not mentioned yet :( I cried too, a lot. and still am. Thank you love <3

    • I just spent half an hour reading your Thailand posts. Especially this one really hits home for me. You are such an amazing girl inside out. A true inspiration. Thanks for helping raising awareness about this!! I had a lump in my throat just reading about this. Ok then I lost my shit when I watched their YouTube vdo on their site. keep inspiring us girl!!!


