13:59 | December 5, 2017
4 Snaps from paradise

Some snaps from my instagram :) I realize pretty fast that I’m addicted to the heat and tropical weather. I love Sweden during this time of period when Christmas is around the corner and the christmas vibe is really getting you. But as soon as it’s January I love to escape this cold weather and go some place warm. I’ve thought so many times of moving to a warmer climate. Italy, Spain.. maybe? I just have to convince André to move hahah. We’ll see about that! So we got André’s testresults back and yes, It’s the Duenge fever :( Poor baby! So now we just have to wait to see if it gets better or if he needs doctors help. I hope he’ll get better!
Lite bilder från min instagram :) Jag förstår ganska snabbt här att jag är beroende av värme och det tropiska klimatet. Jag älskar Sverige just nu under juletider och eftersom det är så himla mysigt med all julkänsla omkring oss. Men så fort det blir januari så vill jag alltid fly landet och åka någonstans varmt. Jag har tänkt flera gånger på att flytta utomlands till nått varmare. Italien, spanien.. kanske? Jag måste bara övertala André först hahah. Vi får se hur det går haha! Vi fick iallafall tilbaka Andrés provresultat och ja, det är Duengefebern :( Stackarn! Så nu måste vi bara vänta och se om han blir bättre eller behöver en doktor. Jag hoppas såklart han blir bättre!
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Beautiful snaps <3
Nasklee – http://www.nasklee.com
Vääääänta lite nu, din nya header ???? Jesus vad perfekt bild för din blogg
Beautiful photos! Love ❤️ it!
❄️?LA BIJOUX BELLA ❄️? | by mia | A Creative Lifestyle Blog
ÄLSKAR din nya blogg design, skitsnygg!
Dreamy place <3
Fina bilder! Det ser så vansinnigt skönt ut! :)
hi angelica,
as i got dengue on bali i thought its good to get treatment there because they know exactly what to do- what kind of medication is helping and so on…
paracetamol was the only pils i could eat for my constant pain in my body and the horrible headaches.
all of the other painkillers are not advieable during dengue because most of them are making the blood thinner and thats not something what you need with dengue- as if you already know the veins are really thin (
PLT) is too low because of the virus ..
there was nothing else to do for me then just wait until its over and the blood results are back to normal again…
i drank at least 4 to 5 liters of water everyday to flush out the virus and that the blood doesnt stuck in one place at the veins.
also because of my liver.
it got so so bad during illness that they didnt let me fly home because of the liverbloodresult.
also my hands and feet got so fucking weird..it was buring and became red.. i dont know how to explain.
and i also felt like i had a depression.. and one good friend of my mother in law is a doctor and told me that the dengue virus attacks the same part in the brain where depression usually takes place..
lost 5 kilos in 1 week!
so if anybody needs a good diet- go to asia with no mosquitospray- now with the climate change it doesnt matter what time of the year..there are always those kind of mosquitos. haha!
first time of infection with dengue is not sooo dangerous even though i thought im gonna die, really!
but second time is a high risk and could end really bad..
the doctors said i should not visit asia ever again……
well anyways i hope he gets better soon!
Hi Angelica!
I have an idea for a future blog or youtube video. What’s your workout routine? You’re in great shape!
Love Suela <3
Hej du fagra, jag försöker få någon ledtråd vart din fina grå/vit-randiga kjol är ifrån? Så himla fin! Kram!
heeeej fina! åh från Zara men rätt gammal! Kram o tack <3