17:26 | December 12, 2017
Burnt Orange

So I just made it to Copenhagen’s airport where I’m “stuck” atm. My flight is 1,5 hour delayed and I already ahd 3 hours to kill here.. gah. I just want to go home haha! Anyway .. I’m sitting at YO Sushi eating my way through the time and getting work done. Omg I have to tell you.. I was SO SURE my flight was at 12.30 but just before I went to bed I had one last look ( I had set the alarm to match that time and everyhting) and then I see that my flight is at 10.45(!!) which was SO FORTUNATE that I saw cause otherwise I would have missed my flight. Sometimes your instincts are just right, don’t you agree? Well yeah, time to continue working. Stay tuned for an upcoming post tomorrow that I think you’ll like!!
Så jag kom precis till Köpenhamns flygplats som jag är “fast” på just nu. Mitt flyg är 1,5 timma sent och jag hade redan över 3 timmar att döda här på flygplatsen.. blah. Jag vill ju bara komma hem nu haha! Men men.. jag sitter på YO Sushi och äter bort all tid haha samtidigt som jag jobbar. Shit juste, jag måste berätta för er.. jag var SÅ SÄKER på att mitt flyg gick 12.30 idag men fick en konstig känsla i magen så kollade en sista gång för säkerhetens skull innan jag somnade ( då har jag redan satt alarmet för att matcha den tiden ) och ser att det går redan 10.45(!!) vilket var SÅ TUR att jag såg! Annars hade jag fan missat mitt flyg! Ibland är ens instinkter riktigt on point ändå, eller hur? Men ja, dags att få jobb gjort här. Håll utkik imorgon på bloggish för de kommer upp ett roligt inlägg då!!
Vackra bilder!
Tack fina <3
These sandals are amazing! Wish I’d seen them when they still had them in my size… Though I assume they cost five times as much back then.
I always carry something to read. Lugging a heavy book on a long trip is not ideal, but it gives me something to do during those long layovers. My longest have been 10 and 12 hours at Istanbul airport during the evening/night. Not a good time to go out and see the city, and I’m too cheap to stay at a hotel. Sleepinginairports.net is my holy grail website for travel purposes.. :)
Thank you so much! Oh they don’t? bummer :( oh that’s good! I listen to podcasts but I’ve listened to all now hahaa. Gah that’s a long time.. mine has been maybe 8 hours. so bad! Oh great, I’ll remember that :) xx
Those pants are really pretty, I’ve been wanting to find alternatives from jeans lately but I haven’t found anything that I really like yet. And sometimes our instincts are amazing, it happens to me a lot. Like that one time school was cancelled and my instinct was telling me to check my email before going to bed and that’s how I found out, otherwise, I would’ve gone to school the next day only to find it closed and have had to wake up so early.
thank you! They are perfect :) oh my, really?! haha u lucky!! I’ve done that so many times hahahah! xx
Perfect as always !
Thank you love <3
Så snygg topp! :)
Tack finis! är en baddräkt :D kram
Your Marrakech photos are AMAZING I love your photos and your looks! It’s inspiring ✨
So! I see in your Instagram stories u go to the gym a lot, I wonder why you don’t post about it here! What is your favorite workout clothes? I hope you do more post about your workout routine and your favorite Sport Brands!
x jess
Aw thank you babe <3 you are so cute!! Yes I do :) I mix heavy lifting with circuit traning and running. Maybe I should do a vlog about it? :) love xx
Drömmer mig bort till värmen! :) <3
Ja magiskt! <3
Omg! I hate flying so much. Not the actual journey but all the annoying bits in between like the airports, security, packing! lol etc, but I LOVE travelling so I’ve had to suck it up!
Yes me too! Yes I’m the same.. I hate the middle part hahaha <3 love