15:55 | January 30, 2018
Australia, you damn good.

Finally I get a chance to update! Our wifi hasn’t been working at all these past two days and it’s been impossible to answer emails, text messages, blogging or posting anything on instagram. The wifi is still really bad but now I finally got some pictures up haha! We are having a really good time here in Australia :) Yesterday we did a long roadtrip from Perth to the south side. today we’ve been around here trying to find some kick-ass loocations but unfortunately the weather hasn’t been so good today and neither tomorrow is gonna be so good. Tomorrow we are heading back to Perth so then I’ll have wifi again. Anyway, here are some snaps from the first day!
Äntligen kan jag uppdatera! Vårt wifi har varit helt omöjligt de två sista dagarna så jag har inte kunnat svara på mail, sms, bloggat eller ladda upp nått på insta. Wifit är rätt kasst nu med men funkar iaf haha! Vi har det hur nice som helst iallafall här i Aussie :) Igår bilade vi mest hela dagen från Perth till södra sidan. Idag har vi också bara åkt runt i bilen för att försöka hitta några feta locations men vädret har inte varit helt på vår sida, och likadant ser de ut att bli imorgon. Imorgon bär det av tillbaka mot Perth igen så då kommer wifit funka igen. Men men, här kommer lite bilder från första dagen!
Dreamy place ;)
Holy Smokes!! That place is amazing!! I hope you all have an awesome time and stay safe :) Can’t wait to see more :)
Så jäkla härligt alltså! :)
Wow! The pictures are beautiful! I wish you an amazing time in Australia!
xx Jeany from http://vogueetvoyage.com
Wow looks amazing babe!! Will you be coming to Melbourne too?
x Rubi
Pose & Repeat
Wow, you are so close! I live only a few hours north of Perth!
I hope you enjoy your time here, it really is a beautiful part of the world! x
That sounds amazing!! Enjoy your trip!
xx Su http://www.fashiontwinstinct.com
Så härliga bilder!
Looks great!
I have a serious question, though: don’t you feel like your lady bits will get exposed when you move in thongs on a beach? I’m more of a normal bikini or 100% nude type of gal :)
Meen vad härligt det ser ut!
hej Fina!!
wow vilka bilder, skicka hit kite värmeeee :P
vilken storlek har du på din monki jacka :D
Gud så avis!