16:57 | March 30, 2018
First day in Dublin

So we made it to Dublin! We got here yesterday and has since then visited the Guinness Storehouse, strolling in the city, eaten a lot of food, done a workout and chilled at the hotel :) Last night we went to a restaurant called Opium which was pretty good before crashing into bed. Unfortunately it’s been raining non-stop since we got here so that’s a bit of a bummer but it’s just so cozy to be here with Andrés family ♥ Now we are back at the hotel having a little nap before tonight. It’s an historical day today in Dublin since it’s their first friday in 91 years that they actually have the pubs and so on open. During this easter friday they usually are closed. Funny facts! Well, time for me to take a power nap!
PS. The Aussie-vlog is delayed! I had to go back to Kentsdottirs office and leave all the videos/files one more time ( the ones that got deleted ) and they are now working on it :) BUT! My workout vlog is coming first! STAY TUNED. )
Så vi tog oss till Dublin! Vi kom hit igår och har sedan dess besökt Guinness Storehous, traskat runt i stan, ätit massa mat, tränat och softat på hotellet :) Igår åt vi på en restaurang som heter Opium som var helt okej innan vi däckade i sängen. Tyvärr så har det regnat non-stopp sen vi kom hit men de är så mysigt att bara vara här med Andrés päron ♥ Nu är vi tillbaka på hotellet och ska napa en stund. Det är en historisk dag i Dublin idag dessutom. Alla pubar osv har öppet idag för första gången på 91 år – oftast har dom stängt under denna fredag men detta år har dom öppet. Lite kul! Jaja, dags att ta en gubbvila!
Skulle inte träningsvideon kommit upp igår? Eller var det idag?
Jo, men de har varit jättemycket strul med allt samt påskledighet osv ( tjejerna är bortresta). Så på söndag <3 och nästa sändag kommer Aussie <3
Då förstår jag ? ingen stress!
Trevlig påsk ?
Don’t stress about the videos and remember to relax and enjoy life. Everybody still loves you and you dont owe us anything.
Hugs and love from another blogger <3
Thank you girl <3 I'm not stressed, I just love posting them hehe <3 sometimes shit happens and this time it really did haha. Huuugs babe <3
If you’d like a good fish&chips or burger or stew I recommend The Old Mill. It’s a restaurant on the first floor, so you would totally miss it and me and my mum ended up there by mistake. But it was the best mistake ever. Best fish&chips and burger (we went there twice) we ever had! Have fun, I’ve fallen in love with Dublin. Something I never thought would happen haha.
Oh i don’t eat anything of that haha <3 But thank you so much for advice babe <3<3
Nice post! x
thanks babe <3
Hvor er antrekket/jakken ifra? Link? ?❤️Fine deg!
Åh den är supergammal :( finns inte längre” från ASOS <3 tack babe!!! <3
Did you get your new camera? Waiting for you to show it! ?
YES YES YES I DID!! :D <3<3 i'm so happy!!
Hei! Hvilken fountation/pudder bruker du? SÅ fin!!
Vart kommer det vita mjukis-setet ifrån??