15:58 | June 16, 2018
Through my iPhone

Doing a “Apartment tour” vlog for you guys! STAY TUNED!
Ska göra en “Apartment tour vlogg för er! STAY TUNED!

SWEDISH SUMMER! It’s the best thing ever. We went out the other day and took a swim and it was amazing.
SVENSK SOMMAR! Det är fan det bästa. Vi stack ut häromdagen och tog ett dopp och de var helt magiskt.

Can’t wait to get my motor cycle driver licens!! GAH! WANT IT NOW!
Längtar så mycket efter mitt MC-körkort!! GAH!! VILL HA DE NU!

Me and Ellen shot some EPIC stuff this week. Stay tuned!
Jag och Ellen fotade TUNGA grejer denna vecka. Kommer snart!

Me and Ellen! ♥
Jag och Ellen! ♥

One of the locations we went to + me getting my brows done!
En av locationsens + när jag fixade mina bryn!
Some of my iPhone snaps! From my past two weeks. Just want to wish you all a wonderful saturday!
Några av mina iPhone bilder! Från senaste två veckorna. Vill mest bara önska er en fin lördag!
The photoshoot you and Ellen had looks like it turned out fabulous! I can’t wait to see the final results. Also, on a different note, how often do you usually get your brows done?
Yes!! i posted a little photo on insta the other day – more to come tho!! I get them done every 3rd month maybe :) xx
Love this post ;)
thank you <3
Härliga bilder!
Tack <3