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11:03 | July 19, 2018
Brooklyn Bridge

Forgotten pictures from my trip to NYC with got2b! We always walk over the bridge when I visit NYC and Silja who was with me had never done it before so it was fun to do it with her :) I also remember getting a lot of questions about my top and I got to say it’s a fav of mine. Well anyway, we are still in Linköping but Going home later today. It’s been such a great time here! Now Visby awaits! Going there tomorrow together with Gina Tricot and their pop-up store!
Lite glömde bilder från NYC när jag var där med got2b! Alltid när jag är i NYC så promenerar jag över Brooklyn bron och Silja som jag va med där hade intw gjort de så de var kul att göra de med henne. Fick en del frågor om min topp här och ja, jag måste säga att den är en favorit. Men men, vi är fortfarande i Linköping men åker hem senare ikväll! För imorgon bär de av till Visby tillsammans mer Gina Tricot och deras pop-up store!
damn how is it possible that you turned from beeing one of my fav bloggers to one of the most uninteresting ones? your blog is just a float of pics from random (often times the past) moments and your instagram got so annoying with your insta story-spamming that i already had to unfollow (as so many others, i saw the statistics)
Well you can’t please everyone :) luckily this is my blog and I decide what and when I post! You are free to unfollow :) LOVE!
Love this! x
Thanks babe <3
Wow, adorable looks and pics!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Thanks babe <3
Ironically enough, even though I have lived in NYC for my entire life, I’ve never walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. I’ve driven across it, but only at night stuck in heavy traffic. This is an excellent reminder to get me to do a classic NYC thing that I’ve never done. I love the grainy affect you’ve been putting on your photos too. It adds a vintage feel almost!
Åhh jag var i New York för flera år sedan, men bara I några timmar önskar att jag hade fått se mer!
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