19:36 | July 22, 2018

So we are back in Stockholm! We flew from Visby this morning back to Stockholm. We’ve had two amazing days in Visby with Gina Tricot and our friends :) The first day we got there we went straight to the hotel, got ready and then went to the pop-up store! I’m so happy for all of you that came ♥ So nice to meet you! And also to all the girls at Gina Tricot ofc. Love em’!
I also got to meet my butti-butt Emelie! Do you guys remember here? She is also from Linköping and was one of my closest friends back in the days. I’ve missed her! After staying in the pop-up for a while we decided to go in to Kallis for a bit. Haha it was my first time! We had some wine but only stayed for an hour before going back to the hotel. Later that night André and I met up with Vendela and Lisa in their van that they are staying in atm and had a drink, chilling in the van and watching the sunset before heading to dinner!
Nu är vi tillbaka i Stockholm! Vi flög från Visby imorse. Vi har haft två fantastiska dagar där med Gina Tricot och våra vänner :) Första dagen kom vi direkt till hotellet från flyget, gjorde oss iordning och drog sedan ner till Ginas pop-up! Jag är så glad för alla er som kom ♥ Så härligt att träffa er! Och att få hänga med alla Gina tjejer igen såklart. Älskart! Fick träffa min butti-butt Emelie med! Kommr ni ihåg henne? Hon är ju med från Linköping och var en av mina bästa vänner back in the days. Saknat henne massor! Efter att vi hängt ett tag i pop-upen så stack vi in på Kallis en stund men gick ganska fort igen haha. Första gången för mig där! Senare på kvällen gick jag och André till Vendela och Lisas van som dom bor i just nu o drack en drink, höngde och såg solen gå ner innan vi traskade mot middagen!
Where is the top from?? So prettyy!
Thanks! From Gina Tricot <3 xx
I LOVE this top!!!
Where is it from?
Thanks!! From Gina <3
All the colours in these photos are so crisp and clear! Everything is very sharp and seems to be popping out of my screen right now. I’m so happy to hear the pop-up was a lot of fun – what an incredible spot for one :) Does Gina Tricot have an online store? Yes right?! Because I would love to get a hold of some of their items! I wish you the best of weeks Angelica :)
Aw thanks love! I’m glad you like them :) Yes it sure was! It was so much fun! So happy to all that popped by. Yes they do! I hope they ship internationally, I guess they do. Thanks love! xx u too
Underbara bilder! 😁
Tack finis!
Great vibes <3
Thanks <3
Nice pics from the beautiful Visby!
Greetings from,
Thank you so much :) yes we did have an awesome time! xx
Du är himla vacker! Och du är en underbar kvinna! All kärlek…
Men gulle du!! Tack tack tack <3 all kärlek
can you please link to the products you wear? I can’t find them :(
https://www.ginatricot.com/cse/kollektion/overdelar/linnen-toppar/linnen/scarlet-linne/prod808271365.html this is the top <3 and the jeans here - https://www.ginatricot.com/cse/kollektion/nederdelar/jeans/sanna-straight-jeans/prod806501420.html .. LOVE!
Where is the shoes from? Would be so thankful for sn answer!
They are from eytys!! <3