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  • 13:06 | March 6, 2019





    MONDAY: Michelle spent the night at my place and then went to work early. I got up, had coffee and sat down to work on my laptop like I always do on Mondays. I did my nails between 10-11 at Frida’s followed by a heavy leg/butt workout. I continue working afterwards on a coffeeshop close by until 17.00. I later on went to Cajsa Wessberg x Bikbok launch event . So much nice stuff! ( see the pictures).

    TUESDAY: Woke up early – drank coffee + worked on my laptop with some planning for next week. I went into town for some errands and swung by an press office where Ebba works ( I BROUGHT SEMLOR). After that I did an ab workout at the gym! Had a meeting at CUBE office 15.00-17.00

    WEDNESDAY: Yoga event with The Healthy Box in the morning. A time at the dentist after that! Then I just have to work, go through my upcoming vlog, edit pictures and answering emails and also book a shoot for some collabs. Workout after that :) A drink with Elsa followed by an Ole Henrikssen event and Loreal X hoss event also. André comes home also YEY!

    THURSDAY: Circuit at Fightboc 06.15 in the morning! Do my brows at Felicia 09-10. Leg/Butt workout after that! Lunch with Kenza. WORK.  Later on the evening Gina Tricot are hosting a gala that I’m attending together with Sessan.

    FRIDAY: INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY!! The only thing I have planned is workout at fight box, take photos with Ellen all day for collabs and my social media and meeting with Elin at 16.30

    SATURDAY: BARRY’S event with Puma :) so much fun!! Later that day I’m going to dinner and might go out also..?

    SUNDAY: Leg/butt workout with Julia. Coffee with Vendela and Lisa – and then just chill!


    MÅNDAG: Michelle sov över hos mig så när hon stack till jobbet så gick jag upp, drack kaffe och satte mig och jobbade vid datorn som jag alltid gör på Måndagar.
    Hade nageltid 10-11 hos bästa Frida följt av ett köttigt ben och rump-pass. Fortsatte att jobba på min laptop på ett närliggande fik fram tills 17.00. Gick sedan på Cajsa Wessberg X BIKBOK lanseringseventet. Så mycket fint! ( se bilder ovan).

    TISDAG: Vaknade tidigt – kaffe + laptopjobb samt planering av nästa vecka. In till stan för ärenden och svänga förbi ett presskontor där Ebba jobbar ( MED SEMLOR!). Magträning står på schemat idag! Möte på CUBE kontoret 15.00-17.00. 

    ONSDAG: Yoga event med The Healthy box på morgonen. Återbesök hos tandläkaren direkt efter! Sen är det bara att kötta jobb på laptopen, gå igenom nästkommande vlogg, redigera bilder och svara på mail samt boka in plåtning för kommande samarbeten. Träna efter :) Fördrink med Elsa och därefter mingel hemma hos Fredrik Robertsson tillsammans med Ole Henriksen. Följt av LorealXhoss event. André kommer hem igen YEY!

    TORSDAG: Cirkel på Fightbox 06.15! Bryn hos Felicia 09-10. Därefter ben-pass! Lunch med Kenza. På kvällen är det Gala-dags med Gina Tricots Power girl awards :) Jag ska gå med Sessan.

    FREDAG: Internationella kvinnodagen!! Enda jag har planerat här än så länge är träning på fightbox 06.15, fota med Ellen och möte med Elin 16.30

    LÖRDAG: BARRY’S med Puma :) superkul!! På kvällen blir det kanske middag eller en liten utgång ..?

    SÖNDAG: Köra Ben/rump-pass med Julia och kaffe med Vendela och Lisa – annars bara ta det lugnt!!

    20 kommentarer

    20 kommentarer om “MY SCHEDUAL OF THE WEEK”

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    Jag accepterar villkoren som finns här

    • ok if i count right that would be 9 workouts spread on 7 days. i truly think you have a serious problem. i noticed it how you got more and more addicted to it. i belive everything in moderation is good but i think you are addicted (unfortunaltely in a unhealthy way) to it. if you dont believe that there is such a thing like working out too much or that it would be bad to be addicted to working out i would advise you to inform yourself on that topic. you have a history with an eating disorder so i think that can be very much related to it. its often that ppl with an eating disorder go from one to the other extreme

    • I think Angelica knows what’s best for her.
      She is obviously super strong and has the capacity to workout this many times. You would not criticise an athlete for working out that much and Angelica has been building a strong and HEALTHY body for years which means that she and probably the people who train and help her, know what’s best for her! Also the increase in muscle that Angelica has had is because she is eating ENOUGH to get her muscles growing. Don’t make assumptions about people – 9 times a week can work fine if you are properly trained and you rest enough

    • I don’t think we’re seeing an increase in muscle as much as a DECrease in body fat – probably as a result of her intense workout schedule and not enough calories.

      The past year the reader has gotten the feeling that training has become more and more obsessive for Angelica, and I was glad to see that I was not the only one concerned about her!

      We all know that she’ll defend her intense workout schedule with 9 (?) workouts during a seven day period with that she’s healthy, just love to workout and feel great when she’s active, etcetc and also that maybe she had worked out less while traveling in Mexico etc.

      There is an issue when you feel “bad,” get anxiety, or feel the need to compensate with either less calorie intake today/the coming days, and/or extra intense (or double) work out the coming day(s) if you “miss” a workout or don’t workout for a few days….

      I just wish that the readers and viewers of Angelica’s food/workout regime would not be inspired and think it’s normal or something to look up to.

    • I think none of us should be critical of her.
      If you aren’t happy about her exercise regime then stop following her.
      I’m no athlete but personally I have trained almost the same amount as Angelica. Not because I have felt the need to , but because I have wanted to.
      She isn’t pushing anyone else to workout that many times a week and I don’t feel like it is fair to gang up on her.

      Personally, I think that there are worse people to look up to. People who cut out food groups and tell people that is the only way. From the looks of it ,Angelica does not eat “extremely” healthy. She looks like she has a balance and that is positive.

    • Okey: It’s Just like El is saying Hanna. So no, I don’t have a serious problem. Obvisouly you have too little information and knowledge to have the right to speak about this since you aren’t living with me or being me, or knowing how the body works :) Thank you for showing care for me but I know exactly what I’m doing here. I’m not here to loose weight which you obviously can see I haven’t – I’ve gained weight but in muscles and I’ll keep on continue to grow in muscles cause that is my main goal. To get bigger. As long as you eat right and enough, listen to your body and keep everything under good control you can workout out for sure 9 times a week. Usually I don’t do that – I workout 6 times a week. I had some workout-events last week that I really wanted to attend but also get my regular workouts done, that’s all. But as I said: You don’t need to worry, I know what I’m doing :) and before making assumption you need to have a little bit more knowledge on how building a body works :) it has taken me over 1,5 year to actually study it all, how everything is connected and know how different muscle groups work. Love!

    • You workout 6 times a week? i am so beyond impressed.
      you’re such a kick-ass woman!!!!


    • Yes, 6 times a week :) 1 rest day! That is optimal for me after trying all different types of schedules. I always listen to my body tho and that is very important :) xx

    • Morsomt innlegg! :-D Så fint å få kjæresten sin hjem igjen!

    • Tack!! Visst? så härligt :D <3

    • Amazing week hahahaha!
      Mónica Sors

    • YES!! :D

    • So much working out! Please give me your motivation!
      Chloe X

    • Hehe, I just love it :) especially heavy lifting and weights!

    • Those plates of food looks just too good! <3 You inspired me to boost my schedule :)

      Bri |

    • It was sooooo yummy!! :D thank you!

    • Jag ssom är hur din blogg var förr. Jag har märkt att många bloggar börjar dö ut och det är synd. Bloggens tid kanske är över men jag brukade älska att läsa din blogg back in the days men nu har jag inte läst den på flera månader. Du är så duktig men vet inte vad det är. Det är typ inte samma energi här längre. Ingen hat, du är grym

    • Ja, det är ju tyvärr så :( saker och ting “går vidare” och nya sociala medier dyker upp och blir mer “inne” och ja, så fort instagram kom faktist så dog bloggarna mer och mer och nu är det ju knappt så att folk ens bloggar. Tyvärr. Jag fortsätter att blogga för att jag tycker de är kul, men visst hade de varit kul om fler läste! Det gör ju att andra social medier får mer fokus där man faktist får uppskattning ( instagram och youtube). Det blir lite som en ond cirkel typ! pga att folk slutat läsa sen instagram kom så tappar man lite mer suget efter att hålla efter bloggen på samma sätt – och då väljer jag aktivt att lägga mer fokus på instagram och youtube istället för bloggen eftersom de ger mer! Jag hade velat göra mer blogg men ja.. Jag tycker också att min blogg var roligare förr men då hade jag ju BARA den att fokusera på. Tack fina du <3 vill komma igång mer och hoppas att de inte dröjer lika länge innan du är tillbaka! kram

    • Loving your posts and photos and I haven’t really commented anything to your posts before! But you are sich an inspiration to me! (And btw, I can’t insist myself saying this, but it is schedule NOT schedual, as you have wrote it :))

    • Thank you so, so much <3 This means so much! Oh haha, thanks love!! xx

    • Hey!
      Im just wondering how people who work out many times in a week take care of their hair?:D It sounds stupid but Its always a big ”problem” to me since I dont want to wash my hair after every workout because it makes hair dry but i cant also be with already sweaty hair.. Do you wash your hair after every work out? And how your hair feels after working out many times in a week?
