21:28 | April 28, 2019
First day of the year

Okey, I don’t know if you even like these kind of post BUT I just had to show you! I went on the bike for the first time this year the other day and I’M SO HAPPY!!!!! WOW! THAT FEELING! You guys!! I can’t describe in words how HAPPY I WAS! I took the train to Varberg early morning and stayed over night and me and Pelle ( Andrés father) rode the bikes for hours. The weather was amazing, the view was amazing and the company was amazing! I also met up with a girl called Carro and she snapped some even MORE dope pictures of me that I want to show you – do you guys want to see?
Anyway – I’ve had such a great weekend! Snaps from my weekend will be up tomorrow :) Andrés mom and dad was here on a visit and on Saturday Andrés aunt and her husband also came so we’ve just been strolling around in the sun, working out, had a lot of coffee and eaten a lot of food. I also celebrated my dear friend Julian the other day so I’m giving you my look for the night! What have you guys been doing this weekend! TELL ME ♥
Okej, jag vet inte alls om ni gillar dessa typer av poster MEN jag ville bara visa er lite snabba bilder! Jag åkte motorcykel för första gången i år häromdagen och JAG ÄR SÅ GLAD!!!! WOW! KÄNSLAN ALLTSÅ!! Hörni! Jag kan inte förklara i ord hur GLAD jag var! Jag tog tåget till Varberg tidigt på morgonen och stannade över och på dagen där så körde jag och Pelle ( Andrés pappa) mc i flera timmar. Vädret var magiskt, utsikten var magiskt och sällskapet var magsikt! Jag mötte också upp en tjej som heter Carro som tog ännu coolare bilder på mig – vill ni se?
Men men – jag har haft bästa helgen! Bilder från den kommer imorgon :) Andrés päron har varit här på besök och likaså hans moster och man. Så vi har mest bara strosat omkring, njutit av vädret, tränat, druckit kaffe och ätit god mat. Jag firade även Julian häromdagen så jag ska visa er min outfit från kvällen med! Vad har ni haft för er i helgen? BERÄTTA ♥
How wonderful you had this amazing first ride!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Yes I sure did :;D <3
Åhh…fasen vad cool du ser ut på Hojjen :P
Men <3 fin du är!! tack!
Så kult! Lykkerusen er det lite som kan slå ;-)
Nej så är det! SÅÅ himla kul!!
Can you explain why the f*** do motorcycles have to be so freaking loud?! They’re really disturbing the natural environment. I ride a road and a mountain bike and nearly go deaf when I meet gangs of riders… I mean why?!?! How is that noise even legal?
Other than that I can understand how nice it feels with the air in your hair… Well, hopefully you wear a helmet :)
Hmm, some are loud and some aren’t :) the new ones usually aren’t – just the old ones :) BUT It’s OK for the bike to sound but not TOO MUCH. So it’s not illegal for them to by a bit noisy and especially of there is a big gang of bikes going by – then it’s all of them together making it a bit too loud – but it’s not illegal. Usually they are moving so they don’t disturb a certain area for a long time – just for a second. But yes, if they remove some parts to make it sound MORE, then it’s illegal but no one really does that anymore. Yes ofc I wear a helmet! I’m keeping in in my hand on the pictures :) LOVE
Wow vad härligt! Jag tycker det vore superkul att se bilderna som Carro tog på dig :)
Show us pics! ;) You rock!