20:41 | December 21, 2019
Costa Rica Diary part 1

I still have some snaps to show you until I go over to Christmas and winter here on my blog haha :) These snaps are mixed from my trip. DAMN I HAD THE BEST TIME! I can’t wait until I’m back there again. I thought I would do 2 or 3 posts with mixed snaps. What do you think? ALSO: ROMORROW I’M UPLOADING MY COSTA RICE VLOG AND IT’S INSANE!!! Tommy has edited it and it’s just… wow. WOW!
Jag har fortfarande en del bilder att viisa er innan det är dags att gå över till jul och vinter här :) Dessa bilder är köade från resan. FAN VILKEN FANTATSISK RESA DET VAR! Längtar tills jag är tillbaka där igen. Tänkte dela upp posterna i 2-3 delar. Vad tror ni om de? OCKSÅ: MIN COSTA RICA VLOGG KOMMER UPP IMORGON OCH DEN ÄR SJUK!!!! Tommy har klippt den och den är bara..wow. WOW!
who the fuck cares about those snapshots??? how are they supposed to be inspiring or interesting for us? you got so boring and your videos suck since a long time. so unfunanny and childish or some stupid overly edited vlogs in which you just model. how interesting…angelica admiring herself modeling infront of the camera showing off her body and face…yeah AMAZING vlog. cant wait.
Haha someone is having a bad day, jeez 😂🤙🏽 If you find m so boring, there is something that can be super easy fixed – stop following me, stop watching my vlogs and stop reading my Blog. Super easy! Wishing you the best holiday ever! Love
These photos are amazing! Seems like you had so much fun! xo
Thank you! Yes – I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!😍
I need whatever workout routine will help me tone up like that!
Hehe Thanks! Stay tuned on my youtube :)