Det här inlägget innehåller reklamlänkar
18:38 | April 1, 2020

Just to get out a bit, but still keep to ourselves, we went out to another part of the countryside and went for some horde riding and cuddles with the lambs and sheeps. OMG! The cuteness overload!! my heart exploded, seriously. Also! This is INSANE! We saw one of the sheeps give birth!!!! We helped it cause the little baby lamb got stuck coming out so we helped the mother to be able to give birth correctly. Wow, such an experience. Just wow! Finally something beautiful and positive happening during these cover-19 times. It was a moment of pure joy!

We also cuddled with the rest of the sheeps and lambs ♥

Finally put something else on than my sweatpants haha. Wore jeans for the first time in forever!
Cap is old/ Hoodie from TCI, HERE / Jacket is Second hand / Jeans from Levis, HERE/ Sneakers from New Balance, HERE

Then it was time to go for a ride! I’m a bit scared so I didn’t want to at first but then they talked me over and it was nice :) The black horse is HUGE! So pretty both of them. The sun was shining and the weather was amazing..

The white/brown one is Linus and the black one is Diva. Love it!

My dad and Zantino! ♥

And then it was time to go back to the other side of the countryside :) I just had to snap this cute photo on this lamb before I went. LOOK HOW CUTE!!!
After spending most of my days out at the countryside, all by myself ( and at evenings with my mom and her bf) I took the car to the other side of the countryside and met up with my dad, his girlfriend and her daughter to just be out in the forest, cuddle with the sheeps/lambs and go horseback riding. It was nice to see all the animals, be outside in the sun and spend time with the horses. Such a beautiful day.
How are you? Are you still in quarantine or not? Are you feeling ok? ♥
Efter att ha spenderat mina två senaste veckor ute på landet själv ( och med mamma och hennes kille när dom inte jobbar då) så tog jag bilen till andra sidan av åkrarna och mötte upp min pappa, hans tjej och hennes dotter för att bara vara ute i skogen, mysa med fåren/lammen och rida lite häst. Det var så mysigt att bara få vara bland alla djur, sitta ute i solen och rida på hästarna. Så fin dag.
Hur mår ni? Är ni fortfarande i karantän eller inte? Mår ni bra? ♥
Åh så härligt och mysigt det såg ut att vara! Avis! Älskar landet.
Min morfar hade en bondgård innan han var tvungen att sälja det. Gick alltid ut till djuren och myste! :D
Ja, helt magiskt! Skönt att vara utomhus i skogen :) Åh de låter helt underbart!! Djur och natur är de bästa. KRAM
Vilken mysdag med alla söta djuren <3
VISST? Magisk dag!!
Mysigt med får och getter, synd att dom luktar som dom gör.