10:22 | May 26, 2017

FRIIIYAY! Everybody went to Mikes gym today but since my back is still a bit wierd I decided to stay with Michelle. We are going to take a PW to the supermarket and buy shampoo and then I have to work on my laptop a while before the other people are back. Going to swing by Hannah’s dayparty later on but since I’m here on a workout trip I won’t really drink. I want to stay clean until tomorrow :) LOVE
FRIIIIYAY! Alla stack nyss till Mikes gym idag men eftersom min rygg fortfarande är lite konstig så bestämde jag mig för att stanna kvar med Michelle. Vi ska ta en PW till supermarketen och köpa shampoo sen ska jag sitta och jobba med min laptop tills de andra är tillbaka. Vi ska förbi Hannahs dagsfest senare men det blir ingen dricka för mig. Vill hålla mig borta från det tills imorgon :) LOVE
The red dress suits you perfect!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Thank you so so much <3
sooo lovely!!
Thanks <3<3
You always find the best back drops for your outfit photos.
Petite Side of Style
Ah you think? Thanks babe! <3
Du ser fantastisk ut! Så trevligt med dagsfest också :D Det är SOMMAR för mig ;)
Åh tack hörrö! Blev ingen dagsfest sen men vi ska ha kul imorgon och på söndag :D kram
Beautiful dress <3
Thank you! xx
So cute. this photos are so adorable and cute ?? more like this please!!
Ah you are too sweet! Thank you <3 I will!
Wow amazing!!
thank you <3
Hey Angelica,I’m honestly your biggest fan. I love every outfit of yours! I’m a 23year old girl from Belgium and I was just wondering if I could get your old clothes that you don’t wear anymore.. Help a girl out here..
Hi! Thank you so much sweetie – so happy to hear that! I always sell my stuff at cliqueshop – have you seen it? there I sell my clothes that I don’t use anymore <3
Thank you so much for answering my message. I had no idea you we’re selling your clothes, I’ll definitely check it out! Thanks again <3
Alla dessa fina färger ?
Eller hur? Dessa blommor är magiska! <3
I adore this dress! x http://www.justsavxnnah.com
These photos are SO cute! And red looks so pretty on you!
Such an amazing summer outfit and love the pictures!
The prettiest outfit-location ever :O