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  • 15:08 | May 13, 2020

    Tomato Gnocchi


    I’ve posted some recipes on my stories lately and I’ve gotten so much questions about them so just wanted to share some here too, if you want?
    So starting with my AH-MAZING and sooooo simple tomato/basil Gnocchi. IT’S JUST WOW! I’ve seriously eaten it almost everyday the past week haha.


    400-500 grams plum tomatoes
    500 grams of gnocchi 
    50 grams of mozzarella or parmesan
    2 wedges or garlic
    1 tablespoon balsamico 
    A hand of fresh basil ( about 20-30 grams)
    Salt & Pepper
    Some fresh chili
    Olive oil


    Chop the tomatoes into smaller pieces and then fry them in a pan with olive oil on medium heat and then crush the garlic into the pan. When the tomatoes gone a bit soft, add the tablespoon of balsamico, the basil, chili and salt & pepper. Let it simmer for some time to let all the flavors get together nicely and until the tomatoes are like a sauce in the texture.

    At the same time: Put butter in another pan and fry the gnocchi on medium heat so they get a nice golden touch. They should be pretty soft on the inside and a bit “crisp” on the outside but not too much. Add salt.

    When the sauce is ready and the gnocchi look golden, pour the gnocchi over to the pan with the tomato sauce. Blend it well so the gnocchi is covered in sauce!
    Finish it off with adding some mozzarella into the pan or if you prefer: top it off with some parmesan when plating the gnocchi. OR WHY NOT BOTH? RIGHT?



    4 kommentarer

    23:55 | April 28, 2020

    Making cookies & meeting my parents-in-law


    YEY! Another vlog! Making cookies ( the recipe is in the video), making pizza, going with my motorcycle and doing the egg-challenge haha!


    YEY! En ny vlogg! Vi gör kakor ( recept finns i vloggen), vi gör pizza, kör motorcykel och kör ägg-challange haha!


    5 kommentarer

    20:37 | April 2, 2019

    Breakfast in bed




    On Sunday mornings I usually make a big breakfast for me and André and this time I did this epic breakfast!! YUMMIE! The pancakes are made from Protein Pancake mix from Star nutrition and they are freaking AH-MAZING. Have you ever tried them? Sessan told me about another brand ( can’t remember the name of it..) that are also good – need to try them too. So I made pancakes, bought a croissant, grapes, grapefruit, juice and protein “yoghurt”. And then we shared it all!

    Going to show you and give you the recipe for my oatmeal as well :) It’s amazing too! Anyway I just got back from a workout with Sofia and I’m watching the movie “Friends with Dhamer” on Netflix while blogging and editing pictures. What are your plans tonight?


    På söndagsmorgnarna brukar jag göra stora frukostar för mig och André och denna gång var den magisk!! MUMS! Pannkakorna är från protein pancake mix av Star Nutrition och dom är GALNA. Har ni testat dom? Sessan berättade om nått annat märke med som ska vara bra ( kommer inte ihåg varifrån..) som jag måste testa. Så jag gjorde iaf pannkakor, köpte croissants, vindruvor,  grapefrukt, juice och kvarg. Sen delade vi på allt!

    Ska visa er mitt gröt-recept med :) också så jäkla gott! Men men, jag kom precis hem från träningen med Sofia och nu kollar jag på “Friends with Dhamer” på Netflix medans jag bloggar och redigerar bilder. Vad ska ni göra ikväll?


    11 kommentarer