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  • 17:18 | June 23, 2019

    Our midsummer 2019

    Like I told you: We celebrated midsummer out at my grandpa’s countryside! I LOVE being here and it makes me so calm. 
    /Som jag skrev tidigare: Vi firade midsommar ute på min morfars land! ÄLSKAR att vara där, det gör mig så lugn.

    Right after we came to the house we switched into bathing gear and headed down to the water for a swim! I started picking flowers too..
    / Direkt efter vi kommit till huset så ändrade vi om till badkläder och gick ner till vattnet! Jag plockade lite blommor med..

    1.Getting in the water! Shit it was cold.. 2. After coming up! 
    /1.Dags att hoppa i vattnet! Jäklar vad kallt.. 2. Efter doppet!

    Emil & André ♥ My favorite boys!
    / Emil & André ♥ mina favvopojkar!

    After the swim I did the yearly flower crown! I picked the wild flowers from the forest – I think it turned out good! What do you think?
    /Efter simturen gjorde jag den årliga midsommarkransen! Jag plockade vilda blommor från skogen – jag tycker den blev fin! Vad tycker du?

    YEY! This is how it turned out! I always make one every year :)
    /YEY! Såhär blev den! Jag gör en varje år :)

    1.Time for midsummer lunch! 2.My outfit for midsummer + some flowers
    /1. Dags för midsommarlunch! 2. Min outfit för midsommar + lite blommor

    Midsummer lunch! The weather were actually amazing ( for once haha).
    / Midsommarlunch! Vädret var på topp ( för en gångs skull haha).

    1.For dessert I made a brownie cake with Dumle fudge, cheesecake topping and crumble. YUM! 2. Collecting the flowers fro the crown!
    /1.Till dessert gjorde jag en browniekaka med Dumle, cheesecake topping och crumble. MUMS! 2. Samlar blommor till kransen!

    Later on we just had coffee, played cards and watched the sunset ♥
    /senare framåt kvällen drack vi lite kaffe, spelade kort och såg solnedgången ♥


    I had THE BEST midsummer! I spent it with my love André and our two friends and I couldn’t asked for a better day/night. Later on that night we had a bbq, played cards and then watched the sunset. A perfect midsummer if you ask me! So idyllic!


    Jag hade den BÄSTA midsommaren! Spenderade den med min kärlek André och våra två vänner och jag kunde inte bett om en bättre dag/kväll. Senare på kvällen grillade vi, spelade kort och såg solnedgången. En perfekt midsommar om du frågar mig! Helt idyllisk!

    4 kommentarer

    23:30 | June 22, 2019


    MIDSUMMER 2019

    I’m out at the countryside without any WiFi really! It’s hardly working ❤️ But it’s been so amazing being here just chilling and taking it easy. Me, André, Emil and Toby came here early on midsummer and celebrated it here at my grandpas countryside – and we’ve been here since then! Going home tomorrow and I’ll show you all the pictures from midsummer tomorrow! Love you!

    When we take a look at the history of art we often discover some work of art, artist or period that draws our attention. Sometimes it is simply because we admire the beauty of the work created or the ingenuity of the artist; other times, however, it is because it gives us the sensation that this art does not fit at all in its context and stands out from everything that surrounds it because it has a very different conception. Read about history of Australian art here and you understand everything about different conceptions. This art, seeing it from the present with historical perspective, seems to us ahead of its time and with an air of modernity that does not correspond with its dating. And it is precise because of this that he draws us strongly and we identify with him. Next, we will indicate some of these moments and of these artists that have arisen throughout the history.


    Jag är ute på landet utan helt fungerande wi-fi! De funkar knappt ❤️ Men de har varit så magiskt att bara var här och slappa och njuta. Bag ta de lugnt liksom! Jag, André, Emil och Toby kom hit tidigt midsommarmorgon och firade här på min morfars land och stannat sen dess. Vi åker hem inorgon och då ska ni få alla bilder från midsommar! Love you!

    2 kommentarer

    17:18 | June 22, 2018

    Happy Midsummer




    We are out at the countryside all weekend ♥ So calm and nice. We rented a little house in Norrtälje down by the water and we are staying here for the rest of the weekend. Today we are celebrating Midsummer and we are just taking easy :) Eating loads of food, plating board/card- games and drinking some wine. Some are naping every now and then also. Just calm and easy..
    I hope you all are having a wonderful day ♥


    Vi är ute på landet hela helgen ♥ Så lugnt och skönt. Vi har hyrt en liten stuga ute i norrtälje nere vid vattnet och vi ska som sagt vara här ute hela helgen. Idag firar vi Midsommar och tar det faktist bara lugnt :) Vi äter massa mat, spelar spel/kort och dricker lite rödpang. Alla napar från och till med. Bara så lugnt och stilla..
    Hoppas ni alla får en fantastisk dag ♥

    10 kommentarer

    11:50 | June 23, 2017


    swedish midsummerswedish midsummerswedish midsummerswedish midsummerswedish midsummerswedish midsummerswedish midsummerswedish midsummer




    I just want to wish all of you a wonderful midsummer!!
    I’ll post my midsummer look later on as well :) LOVE U!


    Jag vill bara änska er alla en fin midsommar!!
    Jag kommer post min midsommarlook lite senare sen med :) LOVE U!

    11 kommentarer