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  • 16:38 | March 12, 2020

    Pink Puffer




    I wore this cozy look when we were in Levi and I love this jacket ♥ Would do so much to be there now..

    So yeah… stuff is happening around the world and with the Corona virus. How are you guys feeling about it? I haven’t spoken about it on my social media yet since I haven’t known what to think and also I don’t want to step on anyones toes.

    So here are my thoughts:

    I think it’s such a good thing that it’s taken seriously with shutting down flights and quarantines and stuff like that, to be able to slow down the spreading. I also think it’s so important for people to take their own responsibility here. Just yesterday I saw MANY people coughing STARIGHT OUT into the air on the subway. LIKE….. STILL?! Grown ass people. WTF.  That is DISRESPECTFUL in so many ways. Even tho you are healthy or not – COUGH IN YOUR ARM, NOT STRAIGHT OUT INTO THE AIR OR IN YOUR HAND. Thank you.  Also: If you feel the slightest sick – DON’T GO TO WORK, THE GYM OR BE AROUND PEOPLE. So simple. Stay at home. Next thing: Wash your hands.

    With that said: I think the hysteria around this virus is just too much. I’m more scared for the hysteria around people than the actual virus itself. And no, I don’t want to diminish this at all, or be disrespectful of anyone. I know people can get so, so sick, and especially the old people or people with other diseases. So show respect! don’t go around people that is older right now, don’t visit your grandparents when you’ve been around many people lately. Just don’t.

    So yeah… I think we should take it serious and be respectful for eachother. But I also think the media has made it into an hysteria. A society in panic is more dangerous than the virus but it’s stupid to be naive ofc. I know people have died and it’s HORRIBLE, but there is other viruses that kills so many more people everyday. More people die from starvation, in trafficking and so on. With that said: That doesn’t mean it’s something to diminish at all. But just to let you know. Like I said: I’m more scared of the media, the panic in people and for people not taking responsibility.  Like I posted on my insta story ” Don’t loose yourself in hysteria but please be mindful that not everyone has the ability to fight this. Stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands”. I’m also more scared for the people working at the hospitals, what happens when there isnät enough space to help more people? or when all the medical staff goes sick? That is more scary. SO, AGAIN: Take your responsibility in this. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

    I have friends who has Corona ATM that I speak to everyday. All of them feel ok, which I’m so happy about! They are feeling like when having a cold/or the flue. But no other than that.

    So to sum it up: don’t create hysteria but be respectful and do what YOU CAN to prevent this to spread. No one will die from NOT GOING on that ski-trip you’ve planned. So don’t travel right now. I’ve cancelled three trips already. I was supposed to see my grandparents this weekend since they are turning 65 but I don’t feel safe going there.  Don’t hang out with old people/ people with low immune system and if you feel the slightest sick – STAY HOME. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, try to be home as much as you can and don’t COUGH straight into the air.


    PS. I will continue to workout/go to the gym but only to a gym that hasn’t been opened for public yet ( a secret place) and at another gym during times when there isn’t any other people there. I will be very careful and be sure to wash myself after being there.

    Please let me know your thoughts ♥

    7 kommentarer

    10:23 | March 3, 2020

    Santa’s Cabin

    Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Hilfiger




    Gah, it was SO COLD when we took these photos haha! We went on a little hike down the slopes and ended up at this super cute cabin that I also wanted to swing by. HOW CUTE IS IT!? It’s even prettier when it’s been snowing and it’s covered in snow. But this was so cute too :)

    First off – THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ON AD.CONFIDENT!! SO MUCH LOVE! You guys are the best. Stay tuned for upcoming fun stuff!

    Well well, it’s Tuesday  again and it’s GRIND TIME!Yesterday Fightbox Stureplan opened and I’m SO HAPPY for André and all the guys at Fightbox. THEY ROCK!! Besides celebrating that later on tonight I’m on my way to Gothenburg for a BIG THING, HIHIHI! I’m some excited! What are your plans today? LOVE XX


    Gah, de var så kallt när vi tog dessa bilder haha! Vi stack på en liten hike ner för backarna och var förbi den här söta stugan som jag ville gå förbi. HUR SÖT ÄR DEN? Den är även sötare när det snöat har jag sett. Men de var så fint ändå :)

    Först vill jag bah – TACK FÖR ALL FEEDBACK OCH STÖTTANDE AV AD.CONFIDENT!! SÅ MYCKET KÄRLEK! Ni är fan bäst! Håll er uppdaterade så kommer massa nytt!

    Men men, det är tisdag igen och GRIND TIME! Igår öppnade fightbox stureplam och jag är SÅ GLAD OCH STOLT över André och de andra grabbarna på Fightbox. SÅ DRIVNA!! Så förutom att fira de sen ikväll så är jag just nu på g till Göteborg för en STOR GREJ, HIHIHI. Jag är så glad! Vad ska ni göra idag? KÄRLEK XX

    6 kommentarer

    22:28 | February 20, 2020










    You might have seen my vlog from here? If not check it out HERE! YOU NEED TO SEE IT! Well, anyway.. this place is a dream and it’s been a dream for a long time. I’ve always wanted to go and visit Levi and also stay at the Glass Igloos too. This experience was.. WOW. Beyond words.

    Anyway, this day has been crazy hectic! I think I’ve overdone myself today haha.. but since I was so cis last week I had to squeeze everything in for this week instead. I just got home from a spray tan cause guess what? Tomorrow I’m filming and shooting for our new series on Dplay. YEY! I couldn’t participate when the other girls did this shoot a week ago so now it’s my turn :) Time for me to crash to bed! Talk to you tomorrow! Xx


    Några av er kanske har sett vloggen härifrån? Om inte så måste ni bara kolla på den HÄR! DEN ÄR MAGI! Men men.. de här stället är fan magiskt och de har varit en dröm att besöka detta ställe länge. Har alltid velat besöka Levi och bo just i dessa igloos. Den här upplevelsen var.. WOW. Overklig.

    Men men, idag har det varit en riktigt hektisk dag! Jag har nog överträffat mig själv haha.. men eftersom jag var så sjuk förra veckan så har jag behövt trycka ihop allt denna vecka istället. Jag kom nyss hem från en sprayat och gissa vad? Imorgon ska jag båda filma och plåta för vår nya serie på Dplay. YEY! Jag kunde ju inte vara med när dom andra plåtad förra veckan så nu är de min tur :) men nu ska jag faktist gå och lägga mig! Vi hörs imorgon! Xx

    6 kommentarer

    15:24 | May 5, 2019

    Easy like a Sunday morning

    Started my day with going to the gym! I snapped this one before my session!
    / Började dagen med att dra till gymmet! Tog denna innan jag kittade igång!

    Two cutie pies!! Sessan with the black jacket and Ida in stripes ♥ Me and Sessan swung by Gina Tricot office to check out their new collection, gossip a bit and drink coffee. It’s always so cozy to swing by GT – love them and their showroom.
    /Två gullisar!! Sessan i svart jacka och Ida i randigt ♥ Jag och Sessan stack förbi Gina Tricots kontor och kollade in nyheterna, snackade blajja och drack kaffe. det är alltid så mysigt att kika förbi GT’s showroom och hänga.

    They had so much nice stuff coming soon! Can’t wait until it’s available in store!
    /Dom hade massa fina nyheter! Längtar tills de finns att få tag i butik!

    .. Like this one!! A minty, sparkly bag!! How nice?!
    /..som denna!! En mintfärgad, giltig väska!! Hur fin?!

    This jeans jumpsuit is also so nice! Love it!
    /Den här jumpsuit var också så fin! Älskart!

    After that I went for a perfume consultation at YSL and damn it was so much fun!! I’ve never done that before and it was so much fun to see what kind of perfume suits you and what you like! 
    /Efter det stack jag på en parfymkonsultation med YSL och jäklar vad kul det var!! Har aldrig gjort det innan och de var himla kul att få se vad man trivs och passar i!

    Discussing some of the perfumes! These ones where amazing!!
    /Diskuterar parfymerna! Dom här var magiska!!

    Such an event-day haha.. later on that evening I met up with my babe Emilio and went to Tommy Hilfiger x Coca Cola launch :)
    /En sån event-dag haha.. på kvällen stack jag och min babe Emilio till Tommy Hilfiger x Coca Cola’s lansering :)

    Checking out the pieces!!
    /Kollar in kollektionen!!


    My outfit for the night! Coat from weekday ( HERE), bag from Prada (HERE), Sweatpants from Lunarway ( similar HERE) and hairpieces by WOS ( similar HERE)
    / Min look för kvällen! Jacka from weekday(HÄR), väska från Prada(HÄR), Mjukisar från Lunarway (liknande HÄR) och hårsmycken från WIS (liknande HÄR)


    Some snaps from a previous week! I had an “event-weekend” I got to say haha.. I’ve never been to so many events like I did this weekend haha. But there was some of my fav brands so I had a blast :) WELL – SUNDAY AGAIN! I woke up in Varberg and yeah.. a bit sad. Like I wrote yesterday: André was going his first match in 5 years yesterday but then is opponent just cancelled 5(!!) hours before the fight. I mean – WHO DOES THAT? So rude! I was so pissed. Not OK. So André didn’t do any fight.  But the other fighters from Fightbox did their matches so that was good! After all the matches we went home, got ourselves ready for the evening, and had dinner all together, chilled at home and then went out for some dancing. I went home earlier tho ( like always hahaha) so I got a good night sleep :)


    Lite bilder från någon helg sedan! Jag hade en riktig ” event-helg” denna helg haha.. brukar aldrig gå på så mycket events annars. Men de var så många favvomärken som hade grejer så då vill man ju gå :) MEN MEN – SÖNDAG IGEN! Vaknade upp i Varberg.. lite ledsen. Som jag skrev igår så skulle André ha gått match igår men sen ställde hans motståndare in 5(!!) timmar innan match. Jag menar – VEM GÖR SÅ? Så sjukt oförskämt! Jag blev faktist ganska sur. Inte ok. Så André gick ingen match igår. Men alla andra från Fightbox gick sina matcher så de var ju bra! Efter alla var klara så stack vi hem, fixade oss och sen åt en gemensam middag och bara hängde ihop och hade kul. Vi gick ut en stund med men jag gick hem tidigare ( som alltid hahah) och fick en god natts sömn :)

    8 kommentarer

    19:25 | August 6, 2017





    Me and André together with Emil & Mikeaela are over at Linus place to celebrate Pride and eat a nice dinner! The rain is pouring down outside but that only makes it a bit cozy actually. We just had dinner and now it’s finally time for strawberries and champagne.
    Anyway, this is how I looked today – very casual. Time to head back to the peeps – talk to you in just a while!


    Jag och André är hemma hos Linus tillsammans med Emil och Mikaela för middag och för att fira Pride! Regnet öser ner nedanför men det gör allt lite mysigare faktist. Vi har precis käkat och nu är det dags för jordgubbar och champagne.
    Men men, såhär såg jag ut idag – väldigt avslappnad. Dags att återgå till att vara social – hörs om en stund!

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