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  • 13:06 | March 6, 2019





    MONDAY: Michelle spent the night at my place and then went to work early. I got up, had coffee and sat down to work on my laptop like I always do on Mondays. I did my nails between 10-11 at Frida’s followed by a heavy leg/butt workout. I continue working afterwards on a coffeeshop close by until 17.00. I later on went to Cajsa Wessberg x Bikbok launch event . So much nice stuff! ( see the pictures).

    TUESDAY: Woke up early – drank coffee + worked on my laptop with some planning for next week. I went into town for some errands and swung by an press office where Ebba works ( I BROUGHT SEMLOR). After that I did an ab workout at the gym! Had a meeting at CUBE office 15.00-17.00

    WEDNESDAY: Yoga event with The Healthy Box in the morning. A time at the dentist after that! Then I just have to work, go through my upcoming vlog, edit pictures and answering emails and also book a shoot for some collabs. Workout after that :) A drink with Elsa followed by an Ole Henrikssen event and Loreal X hoss event also. André comes home also YEY!

    THURSDAY: Circuit at Fightboc 06.15 in the morning! Do my brows at Felicia 09-10. Leg/Butt workout after that! Lunch with Kenza. WORK.  Later on the evening Gina Tricot are hosting a gala that I’m attending together with Sessan.

    FRIDAY: INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY!! The only thing I have planned is workout at fight box, take photos with Ellen all day for collabs and my social media and meeting with Elin at 16.30

    SATURDAY: BARRY’S event with Puma :) so much fun!! Later that day I’m going to dinner and might go out also..?

    SUNDAY: Leg/butt workout with Julia. Coffee with Vendela and Lisa – and then just chill!


    MÅNDAG: Michelle sov över hos mig så när hon stack till jobbet så gick jag upp, drack kaffe och satte mig och jobbade vid datorn som jag alltid gör på Måndagar.
    Hade nageltid 10-11 hos bästa Frida följt av ett köttigt ben och rump-pass. Fortsatte att jobba på min laptop på ett närliggande fik fram tills 17.00. Gick sedan på Cajsa Wessberg X BIKBOK lanseringseventet. Så mycket fint! ( se bilder ovan).

    TISDAG: Vaknade tidigt – kaffe + laptopjobb samt planering av nästa vecka. In till stan för ärenden och svänga förbi ett presskontor där Ebba jobbar ( MED SEMLOR!). Magträning står på schemat idag! Möte på CUBE kontoret 15.00-17.00. 

    ONSDAG: Yoga event med The Healthy box på morgonen. Återbesök hos tandläkaren direkt efter! Sen är det bara att kötta jobb på laptopen, gå igenom nästkommande vlogg, redigera bilder och svara på mail samt boka in plåtning för kommande samarbeten. Träna efter :) Fördrink med Elsa och därefter mingel hemma hos Fredrik Robertsson tillsammans med Ole Henriksen. Följt av LorealXhoss event. André kommer hem igen YEY!

    TORSDAG: Cirkel på Fightbox 06.15! Bryn hos Felicia 09-10. Därefter ben-pass! Lunch med Kenza. På kvällen är det Gala-dags med Gina Tricots Power girl awards :) Jag ska gå med Sessan.

    FREDAG: Internationella kvinnodagen!! Enda jag har planerat här än så länge är träning på fightbox 06.15, fota med Ellen och möte med Elin 16.30

    LÖRDAG: BARRY’S med Puma :) superkul!! På kvällen blir det kanske middag eller en liten utgång ..?

    SÖNDAG: Köra Ben/rump-pass med Julia och kaffe med Vendela och Lisa – annars bara ta det lugnt!!

    20 kommentarer

    13:00 | March 3, 2019

    Essay Writing Assistance

    Essay writing help quality depends on a team behind the service. That is all important thing to have and we are sure we possess one of the world’s best selection of people who will take care about your work since the moment you realize you need help.

    The core of our professional service are writers. These are not your usual freelancers doing occasional writing task. They are qualified people who possess degree in the fields most required by student community (for example Management/Economics Degree holders constitute nearly 40% of the available writers). IELTS/TOELF certificate is a must have for every writer as well as portfolio of works done.

    Another important branch of the team is Operational Department. People working there man our Support stations 24/7 ready to handle any request from customers. But this activity is merely a tip of the iceberg. Operations are responsible for Quality control a principal task, a matter of incomparable importance for every our client and thus for every our employee.

    To ensure that you get totally original work Operations will run every page of every paper through Copyscape software and custom databases thus avoiding plagiarism. These people will organize cross checks and reviews of the paper submitted, they will take care about formatting and style checks.

    Functioning of the system itself is dependent on the effective support of digital infrastructure. Therefore one another part of the team we must mention is our IT team. These are the highly trained people who will not only ensure that site is up and running all over the time but will also take care about your personal data something absolutely essential for everyone who is going to seek writing assistance.

    Another important point to mention s the pricing policy. This issue is the one of a great concern for most of the students for obvious reasons. Therefor at every given moment we check our pricing to keep it as low as possible. On the other hand there is certain level of compensation you must offer to writers in order to attract professional and reliable specialists. This factor is the main one defining upper threshold of our pricelist.

    With college-essay-help you can be sure you are receiving best possible services whatever the order is be it college admission essay or comprehensive qualification work which is needed to complete your studies. Don’t hesitate and contact us immediately if you want to make your college life truly amazing and colorful. Be free to read more on PaperLeaf – you’ll find out that studying can be easier with professional writing help.

    0 kommentarer

    19:01 | February 14, 2019

    My valentine



    Happy V-DAY babes! I’m currently on my way to André but we won’t see each other until the day after valentines day. But who really cares about valentines? I mean – we should celebrate love everyday and not just between two people inlove. But the love for ourselves, our families, friends, animals and so on. I hop you all have an epic day no matter what! And remember that I love all of you peeking in here ♥


    Glad alla hjärtans dag babes! Jag är påväg att få fira med André men de blir inte förens dagen efter alla hjärtans dag. Men vem bryr sig egentligen om den dagen? Jag menar, vi borde fira kärlekens dag varje dag och inte bara mellan två människor som utger sig som ett “par” utan för kärleken för oss själva, för våra familjer, vänner, djur oss. Jag hoppas att ni oavsett har en magisk dag! Och jag vill även passa på att säga att jag älskar alla er som kikar in här ♥

    2 kommentarer

    12:56 | January 31, 2019

    The Bahamas

    pig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamaspig island Bahamas




    A collection of snaps from The Bahamas ♥ This place has a big place in my heart. Like I said in my earlier post: I went here a couple of years ago and always dreamt about going back. So when I got a big campaign in The Dominican Republic I decided to take this opportunity to go back here since it’s pretty close. And I’m so happy I did! I’m in love with this place. I’m also so happy I got to experience this dreamy place once again!

    Anyway: Many have asked me were in The Bahamas we went and we stayed at Staniel Cay just like last time and that is my favorite Island :) It’s close to all the beautiful small sand dunes, beaches and the water ( as you can see ) is soooo crystal clear. I had the best time ever there ♥


    En samling av bilder från Bahamas ♥ Det här stället har en stor plats i hjärtat. Som jag skrev innan: Jag var här för några år sen och har drömt om att åka tillbaka. Så när jag fick ett stort kampanjjobb i Dominikanska Republiken så tog jag tillfället i akt att åka tillbaka eftersom de är så nära. Och jag är glad att jag gjorde det! Älskar det här stället. Jag är så glad att jag fick göra detta igen!

    Men men: Många frågade mig vart vi var och vi var som sagt på Staniel Cay precis som förra gången jag var här och jag älskar det stället :) De ä nära till alla små sanddynor, stränder och vattnet ( som ni kan se..) är så kristallklart blått. Jag hade en magisk tid ♥

    10 kommentarer

    21:34 | January 22, 2019

    Energy level: 0

    Hey babes! Just wanted to check in here and let you all know that my blog hasn’t been working lately (again) and this is just a bit tirening. I came home the other day and had like 36 hours with my BF before he went to Thailand and we wanted to hang out together before he left as well so that’s why my blog has been empty. I’ve just been feeling a bit down and I don’t really know why so yeah, that’s all. I’m back with all the energy tomorrow ♥ I’m sorry.


    Hej babes! Ville bara skriva här att min blogg inte funkat och strulat igen de senaste dagarna ( igen) och ja det börjar bli tröttsamt. Jag kom dessutom hem häromdagen och hade bara 36 timmar att umgås med min kille innan han drog till Thailand så vi ville bara umgås och mysa massor innan han drog. Så det är därför bloggen stått tom. Jag har känt mig rätt nere dessa dagar och jag vet faktist inte varför. Jag är tillbaka imorgon med mer energi ♥

    8 kommentarer