Det här inlägget innehåller reklamlänkar
18:56 | March 15, 2020
Bali Diary

At our first villa in Uluwatu
/ Vår första villa i Uluwatu

Dreamy bedroom I have to say!
/Drömmigt sovrom eller hur!

Loved the interior
/Älskade inredningen

Me chilling at the beach by our villa :) Uluwatu was way calmer than Canguu with I liked
/ Jag softandes på stranden :) Uluwatu var mycket lugnare än Canguu vilket jag gillade

1.The sky was so beautiful many days during our trip! 2. Me wearing Ole henriksen plunge mask – love it! Get it HERE.
/1.Himlen var så fin många kvällar på Bali! 2. Jag maskar med Ole Hneriksen plunge mask – älskar den! Finns HÄR!

This place in Canggu was so nice :) The loft!
/Gillade de här stället i Canguu :) the loft!

More days in the sun ♥ Wearing a bikini from Lahana, HERE
/ Mera dagar i solen ♥ Bikini från Lahana, HÄR

It’s always so much fun to have friends all over the world ♥ Met up with these cuties for dinner now of the night!
/ Det är alltid så kul att ha vänner över hela världen ♥ Mötte upp dessa puddingar för middag en kväll!

1.Me and this cute hat! Bikini from Lahana again :) 2. My babes – Hanna and humlan at the beach!
/1. Hittade en söt hatt! Bikini från Lahana igen :) 2. mina babes – Hanna och Humlan på stranden!

Our second home! I have a friend – Rochelle – who lives in Bali!
So we stayed in their house for a couple of nights when they were gone. Such an amazing place!
/ Vårt andra hem! Jag har en vän – Rochelle – som bor på Bali! Så vi bodde hos dom under ett par dagar! Så fint ställe!

1.I also found a gym I went to a lot – Bali body factory! Such a good place!! 2. Butter&Hazel bikini & hat – designed by my friend Benthe!!
/1. Gymmade på ett ställe med – Bali body factory! Så bra ställe!! 2. Bikini och hatt från Butter&Hazel, ett märke av min vän Benthe!!

Rochelles place – Pool view from my balcony ♥
/Rochelles ställe – Poolen från min balkong ♥

Fooood! So much good food in Bali. Unfortunately it always makes you sick. I got so sick during this trip ( read about it further down in this post). And I don’t know why.. I’ve never had one single friend who haas visited Bali and NOT gotten sick. Have you? Please tell me! How come it’s like that??
/Maaaaat! Massa god mat! Dock blev jag så sjuk här på resan ( läs om de längre ner). Och jag vet inte varför.. men alla jag känner som varit på Bali blir alltid sjuka. Har inte en enda kompis om inte blivit de. Har ni haft tur där? Snälla berätta! Eller om ni blivit sjuka.

1.Can’t wait to get these images from this camera! Coming this week!! 2. Benthe, me and hanna ♥
/1.Längtar tills dess bilder är framkallade! Senare i veckan°! 2. Benhte, jag och Hanna ♥

Last place in Canggu! This is hours before I got hospitalized and SO SICK. Little did I know….
/ Sista stället i Canggu! Detta är bara någon timma/timmar innan jag blev SÅ SJUK. Little did I know..

1.Our kitchen! 2. Me chillin’…..
/1.Vårt kök! 2. Softar sönder…..
Hiii guys! How are you in the middle of this crazy stuff happening in the world with Corona? I hope all of you are ok ♥ if not: sending you loads of love and get-well wishes and hope that it’s soon over so you can be healthy again. LOVE!
Well, my Bali vlog is on it’s way so until then I wanted to share some snaps with you :) from my trip. That went from good to a living hell I guess.
Yeah.. i gotta be honest. I was in Bali like 5 years ago with André and at that time we also got sick but way, way, waaaaaaaay lighter. just like a bit of Bali belly I guys ( the thing that, that is an actual word freaks me out…). And at that time we didn’t find Bali that good… We didn’t fell in love with it. So after that we didn’t go back either.
Then 2 years after ( like three years ago) my cousin went there for a holiday and got so sick he almost lost his life like two times. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks and he almost died 2 times during that period of time. It all ended up with him removing his entire spleen and needs to go on meds for the rest of his life, visiting the doctor every 6-12 months for check-ups.
He got salmonella in his spleen and they couldn’t find what was wrong with him. He went to the hospital NUMEROUS times but all they could see was that his sedimentation was over 300 and a fever at 40 degrees.. but they just sent him home since they couldn’t see what was wrong with him. Well, at last they did a scan and just saw this big black hole in his stomach. The salmonella had eaten up his spleen so he was hours from dying.
with that said I was never encourage to go to Bali again since I also often hear that everyone that goes there get salmonella. But I thought that ” nah that can’t be right – they just have to be very unwary when they eat/do stuff.. I’ll just be extra careful” and went to Bali with my friends.
It all ended up with me being hospitalized in Bali from gettin Salmonella, amoebas and another infection. perfect. So after that I flew back home and was hospitalized here in Sweden too. And in bed for 10 days after coming home. So yeah, I did have a nightmare of a trip…
I’m so thankful tho for my friends who helped me so much during this time! THANK YOU ♥
But with that said: Have you been to Bali and NOT gotten sick? Every person I’ve talked to ALWAYS get sick after been there. Do you know why? How come? Please let me know. BUT BESIDES from getting sick, Bali is a beautiful place with so much nice people. I just don’t undedrstans why people get so sick..?
11:28 | March 13, 2020
Through my Iphone

Me & Emilio at Taverna Brillo – drinking coffee and working on our laptops
/Jag och Emilio på Taverna Brillo – dricker kaffe och jobbar

Denice held a workout with Barbells and I had the privilege to hang out with these power babes! And also; look at that breakfast.
/Denice höll ett pass med Barbells och jag hade privilegiet att umgås med dessa power brudar! Och titta: Vad god frukost.

A Sunday look! sweater are old from Marni X H&M, sneakers from Acne, Bag from Balenciaga, Jacket from Humana and trousers from NAKD :)
/ En söndagslook! Tröja från Marni X H&M, sneakers from Acne, väska från Balenciaga, jacka från Humana och byxa från NAKD :)

My brother ♥ and some pretty flowers!
/Min bror ♥ och fina blommor!

Went by this beautiful place also – I miss my curly bangs. Can’t wait to cut a REAL BANG after the wedding ♥
/ Vi var här med – och jisses vad jag saknar min lugg. Så pepp att klippa den på riktigt efter bröllopet ♥

During Sunday me and my brother ( as seen above ) strolled around söder and just checked in the cute stores! Love that.
/ Under söndagen så gick jag och min bror ( som ni ser ovan) runt på söder och kollade i alla söta butiker! Älskar sånt.

Love this bra ♥ Från Dior hihi
/Älskar den här toppen ♥ From Dior hihih

Took my brother and Ebba out for dinner and went to Nabo – such a nice place! Second picture is from when I was being a hair model for Björn Axén and my dear friend Johan made my hair!!
/Tog med mig min bror och Ebba ut på restaurang – NABO – så fint ställe! Andra bilden är från när jag satt hårmodell för Björn Axén och min fina vän John stylade mig så snyggt!!

SWEATY GIRLS after a workout at Fightbox Stureplan!
/ SVETTIGA BRUDAR efter ett pass på Fightbox Stureplan!

Me and my babygirl!! Like this girl so so much and I’m so happy to have both Dplay Series with her and our account AD.CONFIDENT on insta! Second pictures is a detail shot of my last week. LOVE MY BAG AND BRACELET!
/Jag och min tjeja!!! Gillar henne så mycket och jag är så glad att ha både Dplay serien och vårt konto AD.CONFIDENT med henne på insta! Andra bilden: Detailjbild från förra veckan. ÄLSKAR VÄSKAN OCH NYA ARMBANDET!

A look from last week :) Love my hair by Johan too ofc! Bag from YSL, coat rom Zara, top old, trousers from NAKD, shoes from ASOS
/En look från förra veckan :) Älskar mitt hår som Johan gjort! Väska från YSL, jacka från Zara, topp är gammal, byxa från NAKD och skor ASOS

This top from Jaquemus is my fav atm! LOVE! And another fav thing: The sweets at Kafferang!
/Den här toppen från Jaquemus är favors just nu! ÄLSKAR! Och en annan favvosak: alla godsaker på Kafferang!
Some snaps from my phone the last two weeks :) I’ve missed doing these posts. Have you missed them too?
Let me know!! LOVE YA! Xx
Lite bilder från denna och förra veckan :) Har saknat att göra dessa poster. Har ni saknat dom med?
Låt mig veta! LOVE YA! Xx
Det här inlägget innehåller reklamlänkar
16:38 | March 12, 2020
Pink Puffer

I wore this cozy look when we were in Levi and I love this jacket ♥ Would do so much to be there now..
So yeah… stuff is happening around the world and with the Corona virus. How are you guys feeling about it? I haven’t spoken about it on my social media yet since I haven’t known what to think and also I don’t want to step on anyones toes.
So here are my thoughts:
I think it’s such a good thing that it’s taken seriously with shutting down flights and quarantines and stuff like that, to be able to slow down the spreading. I also think it’s so important for people to take their own responsibility here. Just yesterday I saw MANY people coughing STARIGHT OUT into the air on the subway. LIKE….. STILL?! Grown ass people. WTF. That is DISRESPECTFUL in so many ways. Even tho you are healthy or not – COUGH IN YOUR ARM, NOT STRAIGHT OUT INTO THE AIR OR IN YOUR HAND. Thank you. Also: If you feel the slightest sick – DON’T GO TO WORK, THE GYM OR BE AROUND PEOPLE. So simple. Stay at home. Next thing: Wash your hands.
With that said: I think the hysteria around this virus is just too much. I’m more scared for the hysteria around people than the actual virus itself. And no, I don’t want to diminish this at all, or be disrespectful of anyone. I know people can get so, so sick, and especially the old people or people with other diseases. So show respect! don’t go around people that is older right now, don’t visit your grandparents when you’ve been around many people lately. Just don’t.
So yeah… I think we should take it serious and be respectful for eachother. But I also think the media has made it into an hysteria. A society in panic is more dangerous than the virus but it’s stupid to be naive ofc. I know people have died and it’s HORRIBLE, but there is other viruses that kills so many more people everyday. More people die from starvation, in trafficking and so on. With that said: That doesn’t mean it’s something to diminish at all. But just to let you know. Like I said: I’m more scared of the media, the panic in people and for people not taking responsibility. Like I posted on my insta story ” Don’t loose yourself in hysteria but please be mindful that not everyone has the ability to fight this. Stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands”. I’m also more scared for the people working at the hospitals, what happens when there isnät enough space to help more people? or when all the medical staff goes sick? That is more scary. SO, AGAIN: Take your responsibility in this. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
I have friends who has Corona ATM that I speak to everyday. All of them feel ok, which I’m so happy about! They are feeling like when having a cold/or the flue. But no other than that.
So to sum it up: don’t create hysteria but be respectful and do what YOU CAN to prevent this to spread. No one will die from NOT GOING on that ski-trip you’ve planned. So don’t travel right now. I’ve cancelled three trips already. I was supposed to see my grandparents this weekend since they are turning 65 but I don’t feel safe going there. Don’t hang out with old people/ people with low immune system and if you feel the slightest sick – STAY HOME. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, try to be home as much as you can and don’t COUGH straight into the air.
PS. I will continue to workout/go to the gym but only to a gym that hasn’t been opened for public yet ( a secret place) and at another gym during times when there isn’t any other people there. I will be very careful and be sure to wash myself after being there.
Please let me know your thoughts ♥
I betalt samarbete med SAFIRA
10:07 | March 8, 2020


Another sneak-a-peak on the amazing collection “Empower women” designed by Safira! Like I’ve said before: This collection is to celebrate women all over the world and not only that: But also to to support Plan Internationals work for women and girls all over the world! And yeah I know it’s International Womens day today but I think we should celebrate women, men, transgender, non binary or whatever you feel that you are or aren’t – everyday. Cause we are all special, amazing and powerful.
The best part about this collection tho: Is that If you shop the collection during March, Safira will donate 20% of the sales to Plan International and their work for Women and Girls! How amazing is that? This makes me proud to ba a part of this Safira family.
So with that said I just want to say: YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!
En till liten sneak-a-peak på Safiras fantastiska collection ” Empower women” ! Som jag sagt förut: Den här kollektionen är skapad för att fira kvinnor över hela världen men inte bara det utan även för att supporta och stödja arbetet som Plan international gör varje dag för kvinnor och tjejer, världen över! Och ja, som ni vet så är det Internationella kvinnodagen idag men jag tycker de är viktigt att vi firar kvinnor,män, transpersoner, icke binära samt alla benämningar på vad man känner att man är eller inte är – varje dag. För i slutändan av dagen är vi alla fantastiska, speciella och starka.
Det bästa med den här kollektionen: Är att om du handlar från denna kollektion under Mars månad så donerar Safira 20% av all försäljning till Plan International och deras jobb för kvinnor och tjejer! Hur underbart är inte de? Detta gör mig stolt att vara en del av Safira familjen.
Så med det sagt: NI ÄR ALLA FANTATSISKA!
16:45 | March 4, 2020
My everyday makeup routine
So, I’ve done an updated makeup tutorial on how I do my makeup :) I hope you guys will like it and don’t forget to subscribe.
The more views, the more subs – the more videos I can make. Cause, it sure takes time and money to do them. LOVE YA! Xx
Så, nu har jag äntligen gjort en uppdaterad makeup vlogg :) Hoppas ni gillar den och glöm ej att prenumerera.
ju mer views, prenumerationer osv – ju mer videos kommer. För det tar sin lilla tid samt pengar att göra dessa. LOVE YA! Xx