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  • 19:36 | July 22, 2018


    gina tricotgina tricot angelica blickgina tricot angelica blickgina tricot angelica blickgina tricot angelica blickgina tricot angelica blickgina tricot angelica blickgina tricot angelica blick




    So we are back in Stockholm! We flew from Visby this morning back to Stockholm. We’ve had two amazing days in Visby with Gina Tricot and our friends :) The first day we got there we went straight to the hotel, got ready and then went to the pop-up store! I’m so happy for all of you that came ♥ So nice to meet you! And also to all the girls at Gina Tricot ofc. Love em’!
    I also got to meet my butti-butt Emelie! Do you guys remember here? She is also from Linköping and was one of my closest friends back in the days. I’ve missed her! After staying in the pop-up for a while we decided to go in to Kallis for a bit. Haha it was my first time! We had some wine but only stayed for an hour before going back to the hotel. Later that night André and I met up with Vendela and Lisa in their van that they are staying in atm and had a drink, chilling in the van and watching the sunset before heading to dinner!


    Nu är vi tillbaka i Stockholm! Vi flög från Visby imorse. Vi har haft två fantastiska dagar där med Gina Tricot och våra vänner :) Första dagen kom vi direkt till hotellet från flyget, gjorde oss iordning och drog sedan ner till Ginas pop-up! Jag är så glad för alla er som kom ♥ Så härligt att träffa er! Och att få hänga med alla Gina tjejer igen såklart. Älskart! Fick träffa min butti-butt Emelie med! Kommr ni ihåg henne? Hon är ju med från Linköping och var en av mina bästa vänner back in the days. Saknat henne massor! Efter att vi hängt ett tag i pop-upen så stack vi in på Kallis en stund men gick ganska fort igen haha. Första gången för mig där!  Senare på kvällen gick jag och André till Vendela och Lisas van som dom bor i just nu o drack en drink, höngde och såg solen gå ner innan vi traskade mot middagen!

    18 kommentarer

    20:03 | July 20, 2018

    Shipwreck point


    Shipwreck point

    Soooo! I have some photos left from Zakynthos.. would you like to see them or are they too old now?
    Anyway, Im in Visby atm together with André and Gina Tricot. We have had a wonderful day and now awaits dinner and Mwuana concert!


    Sååååå! Jag har fortfarande en del bilder från Zakynthos kvar, vill ni se dom eller är dom för gamla nu? Let Me know! Men men, jag är i Visby just nu med André och Gina tricot. Vi har haft en magisk dag och nu väntas en helkväll med middag och Mwuna konsert!

    12 kommentarer

    11:03 | July 19, 2018

    Brooklyn Bridge

    brooklyn bridgebrooklyn bridgebrooklyn bridgebrooklyn bridge




    Forgotten pictures from my trip to NYC with got2b! We always walk over the bridge when I visit NYC and Silja who was with me had never done it before so it was fun to do it with her :) I also remember getting a lot of questions about my top and I got to say it’s a fav of mine. Well anyway, we are still in Linköping but Going home later today. It’s been such a great time here! Now Visby awaits! Going there tomorrow together with Gina Tricot and their pop-up store!


    Lite glömde bilder från NYC när jag var där med got2b! Alltid när jag är i NYC så promenerar jag över Brooklyn bron och Silja som jag va med där hade intw gjort de så de var kul att göra de med henne. Fick en del frågor om min topp här och ja, jag måste säga att den är en favorit. Men men, vi är fortfarande i Linköping men åker hem senare ikväll! För imorgon bär de av till Visby tillsammans mer Gina Tricot och deras pop-up store!


    9 kommentarer

    11:40 | July 18, 2018

    My 2 weeks vacay

    1. André and my grandpa heading for a dip
    in our lake ❤️

    2. Me being happy in Varberg! Heading out to “Maja’s vid havet” for some party.
    3. Yesterday in Sturefors with Andrè, Emeli and my dad.

    4. Outside of Lars Winnerbäck concert in Varberg with the crew. A Perfect night!

    5. Me on the Harley I borrowed while being in Varberg. Best Feeling to ride this bad boy!!

    6. Summer nights ❤️
    7. Me and the Love of my life


    9. Breakfast by the sea! Can’t get any better, right?

    10. Out and about with the bikes! I look so funny here hahah. But hey, it was magical cruising on the bike.
    11. Varberg in my heart.

    12. My fav nugget eating popcorn!

    13. The sunsets has been unreaaaaal in Sweden this summer. Just look!!!!

    14. Me and Hamon!
    15. André and my grandpa yesterday taking a dip

    16. Not enough words in this world to describe my love for you.

    Here are some of my snaps from my so called “vacay”. I haven’t even been using my laptop or camera for the past 2 weeks. Just my iPhone! And it’s been so good. But now my fingers are starting to itch a bit to start creating again. Feels good to be back ❤️


    Här kommer lite av mina bilder från min såkallade “semester”. Jag har ingen öppnat min laptop eller fotat med min kamera på över 2 veckor förutom med mobilen då! De har varit riktigt skönt faktist. Nu kliar de dock lite i skapar-fingrarna. Kännas skönt att vara tillbaka ❤️

    6 kommentarer

    08:20 | July 14, 2018

    Some time off

    Hi my loves! How are you?
    As you may have noticed I haven’t been blogging for the past week.

    It all started with my sister getting really sick and being hospitalized. She was really really bad and I didn’t really feel like I could share and write about it. She is more stabil now and she is going to be fine. But it just didn’t feel right to either ignore it here on my blog or even take the time to blog. I hope you all can understand that and I know you do ❤️

    I also felt like I needed a little break. I’ve been blogging every day for 9-10 years and never had a real “vacay” where I don’t write, take pictures, edit pictures or sit infront of the computer. Even tho I love love love what I do, all people sometimes need a break to just be in the present and not focus on anything but NOW. I just needed to stress down, take my time off and recharge my batteries a bit. And also focus on my family, André, my friends and on myself for a while.

    I’ll take the rest of this week of and be back on Monday with more energy and having more creative stuff that I want to do and share.

    I know you all understand and have my back, and I love you all for that ❤️
    Be ready for me on Monday tho! Love

    11 kommentarer